Script Captain to Script Captain
Emma and Anna smiling after one of last year’s Red and Gold shows! (Photo provided by Emma Silva ’23)
March 8, 2023
Emma Silva ’23 and Anna Jordan ’23. They’ve been placed against each other as script captains for the past four years, and they’ve set the standards high. Seeing that they’re best friends set up into rivalry amongst one another, I knew I needed to get the inside scoop on their past three years as script captains:
Q: What has been your favorite part about being a script captain?
Emma: I think my favorite part about being script captain is the fact that I am given nothing but a loose theme and a dream. There is something exciting about writing the nexus point for so many Rosary students year.
Anna: I absolutely love that I can use my talents to bring joy to so many people! It’s a great creative outlet, and I would never even know that something I wrote could be put on stage if not for being a script captain.
Do you have a favorite memory from your script?
Emma: Hmm. That might have to be my sophomore year, when I was in Anna Dicrisi’s car with Katie Thomas, and she ran into Marysol Cazaras’ car while “Life is a Highway” was playing. Yeah. That was amazing.
Anna: I think my favorite memory of being a script captain is having my then idol Claire Early ’21 telling me that I did an adequate job on my first ever scene.
What’s the writing process for you like?
Emma: I think I like to start with a very rough outline of the plot, sort of figuring out what the different dances/drills/chorals are going to be, and deciding what our main take on the theme is.
Anna: I love hearing ideas from every category during the first captain meeting and then slowly watching the final idea take form. It never turns out how we originally plan, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
How do you feel about Emma/Anna? Be honest.
Emma: Oh she’s the worst. Let the record show that I loathe Anna Rose Jordan. I am totally and 100% kidding. There is not a soul on this Earth I admire more than Anna. She is the funniest and most talented person I have ever met. Her opinion means the world to me, and there is no one I would rather compete against. One day, when Anna is rich and famous, I will happily be her measly assistant she abuses.
Anna: I respect her as a writer and nothing else. I don’t care if she’s intelligent, hilarious, and one of the lights of my life. We’re enemies during Red and Gold.

What’s some advice you would give to anyone that would want to be a script captain next year?
Emma: First of all-totally do it. It is such a unique and fun experience. And once you become it, have confidence in yourself, and take risks. You’ve got this.
Anna: Go for it and go with it. I originally signed up to be a publicity captain and Ms. Barclay ’94 said that I should add script just in case because she liked my Royal Reporter articles, and now I’m planning on majoring in creative writing during college. Go where the wind takes you!
Is there anything else you would like to say about being a script captain, being paired against eachother for the past 3 years, fun facts, etc?
Emma: I think once Anna and I got script for the first time, we both realized, ‘Oh we are probably gonna be paired against each other for the next three years’ and we were right. I think it works because we both are so proud of the other, that it doesn’t really matter who wins. I love watching Anna’s shows. Her voice is so strong in all of her scripts, and they always have me buckling over laughing.
Anna: I really wish that there could’ve been a year where Emma and I were together, but we have plans for a collab in the future. It just won’t be Red and Gold, but let me tell ya… It’ll be something.
These script captains have left some large shoes to fill for next year’s script captains, but the hard work and dedication that they have put towards Red and Gold these past three years have impacted so many!
Katie Thomas • Mar 9, 2023 at 4:14 pm
Emma I just sat laughing in my dorm room for what was probably too long over life is a highway. So thank you for that <3 Much love to both of you and happy red and gold!!