Living in the ingredient house

These are the pathetic options for my so-called snacks. (Photo Credit: Kathleen Martinez)

Kathleen Martinez, Staff Writer

Growing up, many kids open their lunch boxes to find Cheez-Its, Capri Suns, Lunchables, and some other fun snacks. But I was not one of those lucky kids. I was the one opening my lunch pail to hummus and carrots and all the yucky foods kids hate.

Today I can make or buy my lunch, but when I come home—I feel like I am back in middle school. Here are some of the unfortunate realities about living in an ingredient house.

An ingredient house is a term that refers to a house with ingredients instead of snacks. It doesn’t sound terrible at first, but living in this type of house can drive one insane. After school, all I want to snack on are some goldfish and gushers, but instead, I look into my pantry with agony. A sense of dread envelopes my body as I stare at the almond and apricot gummies that lie in my sullen pantry.

I always end up looking into my pantry and expecting some secret snack, but I am only left with disappointment at my useless snacking options. Despite living at home with free rent and free food, I am greatly suffering due to the absence of snacks. This is my last year as a freeloader before I go to off to college, but I cannot fully enjoy that life because the free food is so disgusting that it loses its value. I don’t think I will ever recover from this unbearable life.

Camila Zavala ’23, shares my pain of living in an ingredient house. She said, “The worst part is looking at my pantry and realizing I wasted my time just by walking over. Or when my mom says that I am not allowed to Uber Eats. So, I just go to my room and cry.”

In addition to the struggle of not being able to eat fun snacks, I cannot drink fun drinks either due to red dye. This dye is commonly found in almost every good drink or candy and it is forbidden at my house because my parents believe that it is a health hazard. On some special occasions, my parents let me drink Gatorade—as long as it isn’t red. I life in fear of the red dye.

My secret stash that is upholding my sanity. (Photo Credit: Kathleen Martinez)

Lianna Enright 24′ said, “Not only do I live in an ingredient house, but I am also the only vegetarian in the house. Most of the time I only eat rice cakes and have an occasional protein bar or shake. Sometimes I’ll just eat from the communal bag of almonds in my pantry. I leave feeling sad and alone trying to cook my own dinner all by my lonesome.”

The most painful thing about living in an ingredient house is that dessert basically does not exist. I often find myself wanting to indulge in some sugary treat after dinner, but the only thing I could find in my pantry is bad chocolate. Almost every type of chocolate tastes great unless you get it from my pantry. The chocolate is called cacao and is like a knockoff and insulting version of chocolate that has the ability to crush your dreams with one bite.

Overall, living in an ingredient house sucks a lot. Children should be allowed to snack as much as they want without feeling guilty over their red dye consumption. Hopefully, some of you have the blessing of living in a snack house. For those who do not have that opportunity, remember—you are not alone.