Cry me a river
March 3, 2023
Crying—a form of release so wonderfully cathartic. Everybody cries, and if you haven’t in a while—admit it, you could use a good sob. Many psychologists agree it can be a wonderful way to release stress and experience an emotional detox. There’s nothing like a stream of tears dancing down your face to ‘I Know the End,’ or some other existential tune, and personally, crying is one of my favorite activities. Many a Royal share similar feelings, and have lots of tearful tales to tell. |

Senior Charlotte Jordan says she cries once a week, normally in bed with a movie on: “I might cry a little more or less depending on the homework situation during any given week. What’s nice about crying in bed while watching a movie is that eventually, I’ll stop crying to watch the movie,” she said. The last time Charlotte cried was this morning, while of course, watching a Tik Tok: “A tear or two was shed while I watched a flock of sheep adopt a puppy. It wasn’t a full-on-sob, but what can I say? It touched the heart,” she shared.

Similarly, Reagan Beuerlein ’23 enjoys herself a good cry, just not as often: “I honestly don’t cry very much, but I think it’s great to let it all out sometimes.” Although Reagan’s tears fall few and far between, she prefers to cry alone, and explained, “If I do cry, it’s normally before I say my nightly prayers for God to help me. Lol.” Reagan is a big proponent of shedding tears, and added, “Holding in anger, anxiety, stress, and sadness is definitely not healthy. Let it all out, and don’t be embarrassed to do so.”

Junior Gabriella Coo also attends the occasional sob-fest, and said she cries once a week: “I’ll pretty much cry everywhere–in the bathroom, on stage, in the shower, at Disneyland…You name it, and I’ll cry there,” she shared. The last time Gigi cried was today, and she enjoys documenting her teary-eyed routine: “I just love letting everything flow out. Whenever I cry, I’ll vlog (video blog) my very own issues, and talk about my problems. I also love taking photos of myself crying so I can look back and laugh,” she said.
Like Gigi, I too enjoy vlogging my emotional experiences, and giving them a good laugh a few days later. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with having a good cry. So put on your headphones, blast a sad song, and give your tear ducts the time of their lives. And if you need someone to cry with, stop by Room 208 during Period 3. We are here for you!