Oh Captain, I’m Captain

Photo provided by Milan Smith.

Ava Fishman and I posing together on kickoff!

Reagan Beuerlein, Staff Writer and Social Media Director

As we all know, Red and Gold is right around the corner. With so many talented Royals on this campus, somehow I got the head position… Producer, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Let’s take it back to junior year. I knew I wanted to be a captain, but wasn’t sure what kind. I began to think fashion would be the perfect position because I love everything about fashion. I understood what I would have to do along with my busy sports schedules. I also knew that it wasn’t going to be easy, but I love a good challenge. So I signed up and had others recommend me. Many people did, as far as I know, but I also told Finley Hawkins ‘24 to write me down for Co-Producer as a sort of joke (not really).

Rumor has it you need to be a captain at least twice before you can become a Co-Producer. I was really interested in it because it looked like a challenging task, and like I mentioned before, I love a good challenge. Honestly I didn’t really think much of it, until I was told on announcement day that I got Co-Producer. I was shocked, scared, happy, excited, and confused.

Although being a Producer is far from being easy, it is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Through managing the team and obstacles that come in the way, having specific deadlines for all categories, making sure everyone is on task, sending reminders 24/7 to turn in canned foods, socks, and opportunity drawing tickets, and of course bedazzling anything and everything, it has taught me life skills I will carry with me forever. 

Posing after kickoff in my red room my mom decorated for me on kickoff. (Photo provided by Reagan Beuerlein.)

If you were to ask me my favorite part of Red and Gold, that would be extremely hard because it’s all amazing. I love everything about FLEX and it’s honestly the reason why I show up to school every day as a senior with major senioritis. I love the atmospheres of each team. Even though we are “opponents,” we have respect for each other and admire each other’s hard work.  I love the fact that you create new friendships with other grade levels. I never would have believed you if you said one of my best friends would be Ava Fishman ‘24. I knew of her, but we grew extremely close last year when she was my fashion captain, and now she is my sidekick as my Co-Producer.

My overall favorite part is seeing my small ideas come to life. The whole process of the show is quite incredible: choosing the setting of the show, characters, dance and drill themes, figuring out the script ideas, fashion, props, and publicity ideas… All of it. And then seeing it live on stage with never ending smiles all around is the best feeling ever. It gives me chills just thinking about it. I just remember the last show on March 12, 2022, and how proud I was of all my girls. Their hard work truly paid off, regardless of the result. 

I will forever thank my girl Finley Hawkins ‘24 for putting my name down on that piece of paper and quite literally changing my life. I promise you I am not being dramatic. The lessons I have learned and memories I have made are things I will forever cherish. If you have any sort of interest in becoming a producer or a captain in general… DO IT. You will not regret it! It isn’t always easy, but I can truly say that it is so worth it! 

I cannot wait for my final Red and Gold next weekend, and to watch all my girls’ hard work pay off! As sad as I am for this chapter of my life to come to an end, I think I am as prepared as I will ever be. I am so excited to show everyone this year’s Red show! As always, GO RED! 

Love, your Red Team Producer xoxo

My Co-Producer Ava and I getting ready for our all nighter on kickoff night. (Photo provided by Milan Smith.)