Layla Langrell: exposed

Photo Credit: Kendall Clarida

Layla is going to CBU for stunt these next four years, so she is definitely qualified.

Kendall Clarida, Supervising Editor

Red and Gold puts a lot of competitive pressure on Royalsespecially the captains. Especially…Layla Langrell ‘23. This year, all of Layla’s hopes and dreams have come true. She made it very clear before captains were released that she would do bad things if she wasn’t a drill captain. We were all relieved when the results came back in her favor. 

Layla takes her job very seriously. Many people tell her she needs to make sure she isn’t being too tough on the girls, but she says if they don’t look great, she doesn’t look great. 

I took the courtesy upon myself to ask some of the girls on her drill how they’re feeling about Layla as their captain. I told them to be completely honest, but in my opinion, they were a little too nice. 

Fellow senior Julia Clarke is really happy having Layla as her captain: “I think Layla is a great captain, and she’s very understanding. She’s a really good teacher, and she always makes the people in our drill laugh. She’s done a really great job with bringing us together and embodying Red and Gold spirit. I think our drill is going to be awesome. GO GOLD!” Personally, I think Julia is being a little too nice since she is Layla’s friend. I also wonder if she makes the girls laugh because they feel uncomfortable in the silence of her wrath.

Look at the seriousness in her eyes. She’s ready to make these girls cry. (Photo Credit: Kendall Clarida)

Freshman Sami DiCrisi loves being on Layla’s drill her first year: “I think Layla is literally the funniest person on the planet. She is so talented at drill and overall just so friendly, welcoming, and kind. She is SUCH a good drill captain because she is so patient and supportive while also being focused. The drill is lowkey really hard, and I will not lie, I feel dead after finishing a full run-through, but it is literally so fun, and I love it. Overall, Layla Langrell is a total icon!” I’m starting to think that Layla is prepping them to answer in such a nice way…

In all seriousness, Layla is an incredible captain and amazing at what she does. I know she is going to slay so hard, and I’m so glad the girls on her drill are having so much fun. Good luck with Red and Gold, Royals.