Rosary Water Polo makes waves at CIF

Photo Credit: Katie Tijerina '15

An action shot of Pasadena Poly attempting to score on Rosary.

Daniela Arias and Andrea Salazar

This past Saturday, Feb. 18, the Rosary Water Polo team went up against Pasadena Poly at the Woollett Aquatic Center in Irvine.


After an hour of Rosary playing their hearts out in the water, Pasadena Poly broke the 9-9 score and ended the game with a score of 10-9. Despite the close loss, the Rosary Water Polo team left the game and the season crowned CIF-SS division 5 Runner-up.


Coach Jessica Hermosillo ’14 discussed her experience with the girls as she coached them at the CIF level: “It took a lot of patience and understanding. Most of the girls on our team have never played before, so everything was new. The girls played very hard, they didn’t give up for a moment. I’m really proud of them for that.”


As the only senior and the captain figure of the team, Chloe McNamara shared her opinions on the game and the season overall: “The team played one of their best games against Pasadena Poly. The girls worked so hard in that game, and it was so close the whole time. I think one of the big highlights is that we were down 6-3 going into the second half and ended up coming back and leading the game until the last few minutes. I feel like this is the best season I could have asked for. The girls played so hard this season, and no one expected us to make it as far as we did. I’m so proud of my team!”

Rosary Water Polo lines up alongside their opponents, the Pasadena Poly Panthers. (Photo Credit: Katie Tijerina ’15)

Coach Jess added, “I’m super proud of the girls. At the beginning of the year, we had a conversation about commitment and dedication. I think they really stepped it up and decided to go to CIF. I hope to continue this culture that we created, the legacy of going to CIF, relying on one another, and going far. You would never had imagined these girls to love water polo and commit to it the way they have. And although we missed the last one, our girls got a good taste of what winning feels like.”


The fighting spirit of the water polo team showed more than ever at their final game, and we can’t wait to see more of it from the team next season!