Lunch Rush: A Rosary Sonnet
You can’t see it but I lost two toes to get these treats.
February 24, 2023
Ms. Barclay has randomly selected the following seven words for me to incorporate into a poem:
I have interpreted these words as representative of the moment the bell rings and every Royal makes a break for the food service in the following sonnet.
In this great sea of seniority we
Bobble like bubbles down the senior stairs
Mermaids of this red and gold oceanly
Tide, southland and steady till meet we cares
Of smoothies, of cookies, of little pizzas
We volatile mix of such hungry mouths
Down we drop, paratroops of Mona Lisas
To a refectory, war-torn and loud
And so the bell chimes and we cut corners
Fighting to reach one secret oasis
They greet us with smiles, sweet as the portions
Shoes split and laces fracted in stasis
Long we wait and for something deeply grand
Overkill it’s not, the treat of the hand.