How to help victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria

Please donate to UNICEF to help relief efforts. (Photo Credit: Free SVG)
February 17, 2023
On February 6, a 7.8 earthquake struck Turkey and Syria, killing 41,000 people and affecting 23 million others. Hundreds of thousands of buildings are no longer hospitable, and dozens of religious and cultural sites have been destroyed.
The need of these victims is huge. Both countries are now facing shortages in basic supplies such as food, water, electricity, and medical attention. Most concerns are for Syrian refugees living in already overcrowded and instable refugee camps. These people have been left the most vulnerable. The CDC has even placed a level 3 warning on both countries, advising all to, “avoid nonessential travel” to these regions, not wanting to further crowd these desperate locations.

But you can still help.
Most organizations ask for cash donations instead of goods, in order to mobilize relief efforts faster, as well as to place money back into the Turkish and Syrian economies, to speed up the nation’s recovery process.
By donating to you can also help fund their current relief services (distributing tents hygiene kits, and essential items in Turkey; distributing winterization kits, tents, and medical services in Syria).
The International Rescue Committee asks for donations to help their partner organizations in Syria, and to continue providing dignity kits and safe spaces for displaced and vulnerable women and children.
The Syrian American Medical Society needs donations to continue to purchase and distribute trauma supplies to help treat the injured.
UNICEF is currently focusing on reuniting displaced children with their families, and needs donations to do so.
Global Giving, a non-profit, has created The Turkey and Syria Earthquake Relief Fund. Their goal of 5 million dollars will be used to launch immediate relief services.
If you, or anyone you know, can donate, you should do so. Part of our mission as Rosary Royals is to help the dear neighbor, and right now, or neighbors need our help.