Servite Spotlight: Moises Ibarra ’24

(Photo Credit: Moises Ibarra)

Moises in downtown LA.

Mandy Puga, Staff Writer

If you went to see one of Trinitas Arts Conservatory’s shows this past year, you might have seen Servite Friar Moises Ibarra ’24 on stage. If you haven’t seen any Trinitas productions for some absurd reason, you might be wondering, “Who is Moises Ibarra?”


For this week’s student spotlight, I was able to interview Moises about his action-packed academic and art life.


Before getting into his artistic talents, it’s important to note that Moises is involved in many groups at Servite. He is the current Leadership President and a Servite Ambassador. In these roles, he helps to organize events and advertise for Servite, saying, “We get to voice the opinion of Servite students to administration in order to maintain a good relationship between both groups.”


Junior at Servite Chris Sikes says, “I’ve known Moises for about a year now and he has enlightened me to see the truth about the wonders of life. His wise words of wisdom have even raised my English grade.”


Moises is also a part of the Servite media team: “The media team documents student life and their extracurriculars. I like that I’m able to show people through our media team about other students’ lives inside and outside of school.”


Despite the many extracurriculars he is involved in, Moises true passion has always been art, whether it be through his performances on stage or Picasso-like creations. He said, “I have a passion for art because I get to express myself in a way words can’t explain.”


A face portrait Moises drew of  “The Weekend.” (Photo Credit: Moises Ibarra)

Moises is currently taking an Advanced Art class and serves as the Art club president at Servite. Moises explained, “Art club is an opportunity for those who are interested in art to be creative and experiment with different mediums of art, no matter how experienced or inexperienced they are.” Aside from the Art club, Moises even has his own Instagram art account where he posts some of his favorite art pieces.


Another one of Moises’s art pieces. (Photo Credit: Moises Ibarra)

Servite Art teacher, Mr. Glaudini, said, “Moises is a unique artist. He has a natural God given gift. He also has an artist’s eye and sees things from a different perspective. He’s able to express himself through art with any medium and executes everything in a very detailed way. While also being one of the most humble people with a secret sarcastic side.”

Moises poses with his friends in Art. (Photo Credit: Moises Ibarra)


Moises also has a huge appreciation for another form of art: theater. He has acted in 3 shows and is currently a part of costume crew for “The Importance of Being Earnest.”


His first show was the play “Front” in the Fall of 2021: “I’ve always wanted to try out acting so I auditioned for Front without knowing anything going into the audition. I ended up loving the experience and I’ve been at Trinitas ever since.”

Moises acting as the photographer in the play “Front.” (Photo Credit: Moises Ibarra)


Since then, Moises has performed in “The Sound of Music” and Jane Austen’s “Sense and Sensibility.” After performing in “The Sound of Music,” he was inducted into Troupe 4566, becoming a thespian in the Spring of 2022.


Moises’ friend, Sal Garcia ’24, who also does theater, said, “Moises is very passionate about everything he does and always gives his 100%. He not only cares about the well being of a show, but he cares for everyone in the community as well. He’s always there to support and lift you up.”


Rosary senior Victoria Gomez shared, “I have been friends with Moises since middle school, and I must say that he is one of the most thoughtful, and caring people EVER. When Moises told me he was thinking about joining theater, I was so happy that he was trying something new. I was excited for him to meet new people as he found something he loved. Seeing him grow out of his comfort zone and on stage doing an amazing job on the seasonal shows while being surrounded by people that care about him truly makes me happy. I can’t wait to see what more he will accomplish, whatever it is I’m happy to support him.”


Moises is definitely going places. His friends are either cheering him on in the audience or performing next to him. Make sure to go see Moises in the next Trinitas performance!