Red Cross Blood Drive

Andrea Salazar, Staff Writer

The Red Cross is hosting a blood drive at Rosary for the second time this year on Friday, Feb. 24 from 7:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. If you are 16 or older, the Red Cross would greatly appreciate your donations. If you are under 16, you can still help those in need of donations by having a parent, guardian, or any other family member donate blood on your behalf.

Mr. Parmar, one of Rosary’s science teachers and the blood drive coordinator, shared more information for potential donors: “You can get a t-shirt, ten dollar gift card, and free dress if you donate. I am giving extra credit to those who donate. You can also earn points for your Red and Gold team for every parent, student, sibling, or random person you found off the street who donates– but, in all seriousness, make sure to sign up soon because spots are filling fast.”

Mr.Parmar is available in Room 3 for any inquiries about this blood drive. Sign up at with the sponsor code “Rosary” to donate now!