Brolentine’s Day
February 3, 2023
Valentine’s Day–a holiday aimed at celebrating romantic love, and subtly shaming those who know not of it. Lone soldiers are taunted by scathing phrases like ‘single Pringle,’ mocked by giant stuffed bears in Vons’s frozen aisle, and ridiculed by rom coms where even Adam Sandler, in basketball shorts and all, manages to charm the likes of Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Salma Hayek, and more.
The singles have had enough.

Recently, ‘Galentine’s Day,’ a special day where gals get together and celebrate their platonic, lady-friend love, has become a popular alternative for the romantic novelties of February 14th. This creative celebration catapulted me into the contemplative realm, where I began wondering whether or not a similar holiday exists, but for guys.
After some intense research, I came across a formal definition for ‘Brolentine’s Day’: an annual commemoration celebrating affection between male peers.” According to Urban Dictionary, “the day is named after the unrecognized Greek deity, Broseidon, King of the Broceans, and was established in 2011 AD.” Seems legit.

Servite’s very own Salem Younes ’23 knows a thing or two about bromance, and shared exactly what the term means to him: “A bromance, to me, is the very tight knit bond I have with my bros, in which we share, what I call–broments.” Salem plans on celebrating Brolentine’s Day pretty traditionally, and said, “Personally, I plan to do the entire chocolate hearts and flowers shtick for my bros, followed by an evening of bro-time, of course.”
Salem referred me to his bros for a more detailed look into Brolentine’s Day, and Turner Wenborne ’23 said he’ll be giving his bros, “Gnarly air kisses and copies of ‘Love’ by Kid Cudi” on the big day. Senior Elias Guirado also plans on being heartfelt with his bros: “I’ll be talking to my bros and making sure they’re doing all right, you know, when it comes to school and important stuff. I want them to know I’m here wherever and whenever they need me.”
When asked if he had a final message for his bros on Brolentine’s Day, Salem said, “Hey bro. Close your eyes. You see that? Exactly. That’s me without you bro.” Seems like his bros will really feel the love. Senior Diego Gutierrez’s final message was also filled with passion: “I love you all–my loves, my lives, my bros. Happy Brolentine’s Day.”
This Brolentine’s Day, make like Salem, Turner, Elias, and Diego, and show your bros some love. Remember, Valentines come and go, but bros are forever.
Tatum • Feb 9, 2023 at 10:07 am
i laughed out loud so hard
Emma Silva • Feb 3, 2023 at 9:56 am
broentines is the movement of the future