What do teachers do on Valentine’s Day?

Photo Provided by: Mrs. Godfrey

Mrs. Godfrey and her husband have nothing but love for their dog, Huck!

Lianna Enright, Copy Editor

It’s that time of year again, Royals. Love is in the air, stores are out of chocolate, heart decorations are taking over department stores… it’s almost Valentine’s Day—the day that causes lovers to spoil each other and single people to grow nauseous.

Let’s dive into what some of the married teachers at Rosary are doing for Valentine’s Day.

Mrs. Neild and her husband like to go the cute and classic route on Valentine’s Day: “For Valentine’s Day this year, we will probably cook a nice steak dinner at home together since it is on a Tuesday. We usually try to pick out cheesy Valentine’s cards and exchange them with each other along with each other’s favorite candy!” You can’t really go wrong with this; it’s simple, but in the best way.

Mrs. Jenkins and her husband also like to keep it simple by enjoying a nice dinner together. Sometimes the most special thing for two people with busy lives is some quality time together without having to worry about anything else.

Mrs. Rosales and her husband choose to each do something for each other on Valentine’s Day. She explains their typical Valentine’s Day, saying, “My husband has a habit of bringing me flowers and one of my favorite treats. Either chocolate covered strawberries or maybe cream puffs—yum! We always find time to do a ‘date night’ but we never do it on Feb. 14 because it is usually madness trying to eat out on Valentine’s Day.  But I will cook him a meal of his choice, then we usually try to find a movie to watch.”

Mrs. Rosales and her husband took a cooking class. (Photo Provided by: Mrs. Rosales)

If you haven’t been taking notes already, now is the time to start.

Boys, let me help you out a little—attention to detail is the immediate way to win a girl over. One perfect example of this is Mrs. Godfrey’s ’13 husband. As a recently married couple, their Valentine’s Day plans go above and beyond. Mrs. Godfrey talks about her Valentine’s Day plans with her husband: “Every year on Valentine’s day, my husband and I go to a restaurant called Haven in the Orange Circle, which is where we had our first date. He also proposed to me in front of the fountain in the Circle, so we have a lot of special memories there!” This is what I strive to have in a relationship.

If you don’t have anyone to spoil you on Valentine’s Day, don’t feel bad. Instead, take matters into your own hands. Go buy yourself flowers and treat yourself to a day of fun or a day of relaxation!