Rosary Basketball senior night

(Photo Provided by Tony Mercado)

All of the seniors before the game taking pictures were their families.

Colleen Schmitt, Staff Writer

On Monday Jan. 30, the Rosary Basketball community honored their seniors for their last high school season. The ceremony started at 5:30 p.m. in the Karcher Center, and the game followed at 6 p.m.

The four seniors were able to share a little something about who has helped them along the way and thank the Rosary Basketball program. This night was so special for the seniors, thanks to the team and their families.

Captain Mary Larson ’23 shared how time flew since her freshman year: “It was really hard to wrap my mind around the fact that it is already senior night for us. I remember the seniors our freshman year having their senior night and thinking ‘I’ve got time before mine.’ I thought the parents did a great job setting everything up and I was thrilled to celebrate it with my family and friends.”

Senior Mary Larson got the chance to take photos with her friends before the game . (Photo Provided by Tony Mercado)

Viviana Mercado ’23 shares how playing her last league game at home made her feel: “I felt so many emotions but mostly disbelief because I can’t believe this night came so quick. I remember I was just a freshman with no clue what I was getting myself into and now her I am with so many memories and experiences from basketball that I wouldn’t trade for the world.”

Another one of the captains, Ava Dominguez ’23, shares how this night impacted her: “It was definitely very emotional, I had a really hard time with it being my last home game because of how much I love playing at Rosary.” Ava’s support system is so strong and she credits a lot of her success to her mom, sharing, “Definitely, my mom has got me to where I am today, she’s pushed me so hard throughout the years and I could’ve done it without her.”

Some of the seniors came out to support their classmates with posters. (Photo Provided by Tony Mercado)

Vaishali Gupta ’23 shares how this day came so fast: “I could not believe that this day was finally here. Basketball has brought so much good into my life. Some of my best friends, the best traits, and the best lessons have emerged from my time in basketball. None of this would have been possible without my friends and family. Their belief in me is something that has driven so much of my success, and is a result of the confident and inspired girl I am today. Thank you for always reminding me that God always has a plan, and His plan for me is great.”

The Royals won the game, and were all so proud of each other–it is always a good feeling to win on senior night.

Last night was their last league game, and they competed against Mater Dei. This was a tough-fought game, and Rosary ended up losing by five. This means they came second in Trinity League.

Come out and support the basketball team as they make their way to CIF!