Celebrating Athletics’ Week of Giving

Photo credit Coach Jess Hermosillo ’14

Rosary appreciates the hard work of it’s star athletes!

Christina Vaughan, Staff Writer

The much anticipated Athletics’ Week of Giving began Saturday, Jan. 28! With much talk of Red & Gold points and fundraisers, it can be easy to lose the true meaning of this special week. Here’s a look into Athletics’ Week of Giving and all the amazing things it can do for Rosary’s athletes:

What is Athletics’ Week of Giving?

Athletics’ Week of Giving began as a single fundraiser day in 2020. Since then, it has evolved into a weeklong event and has become very important for Rosary’s current and future athletes. This year’s Athletics Week of Giving will take place from Sunday, January 28, to Friday, February 3.

Athletics’ Week of Giving gives prospective families an opportunity to see Rosary’s athletes via social media. Prospective families will even have an opportunity to meet some of Rosary’s coaches over dinner at Wise Guy’s Pizzeria. 

Rosary’s Athletics Director, Mr.Tice, shared, “This week of giving is vitally important, because the money we raise allows us to continue funding the top facilities and equipment that will allow us to compete in the Trinity League and excel in CIF competition.”

Why do students love Athletics Week of Giving?

Rosary’s community of athletes, students, and families love Athletics Week of Giving because it gives Royal Athletes an opportunity to ask for funds for their sports. Additionally, it allows them to be seen for the hard work they put into their sports.  Some of Rosary’s athletes will share their stories on social media throughout the week.

Triathlete, cross country and track runner, Sophia Long ‘24, details how meaningful this celebration of athletes is to her, “The Athletics Week of Giving is important to me because the donations we receive help support my teams and all that sports have done for me. My sports teams have given me the opportunity to grow into a strong and confident young woman as well as create new friendships, all of which is possible through the support of Rosary’s athletics programs. Without the support of donors and the Rosary community, I would not be the athlete I am today.”

During Athletics’ Week of Giving, many of Rosary’s athletes will be featured in various different social media videos. These videos give them an opportunity to share their experience being a Royal athlete and give everyone a look at how unique and fun sports at Rosary can be. Please check them out on the Rosary athletics Instagram page.

How to support athletes during Athletics Week of Giving

For those students who do not play sports, or are in their off-season, Athletics Week of Giving provides opportunities for them to earn Red & Gold Points by going to sports games during Athletics’ Week of Giving. At the soccer, basketball, and water polo games next week, whichever Red & Gold team has the most members attending the games will receive extra points in the final judging. 

Beyond earning Red & Gold points, this special week allows students, athletes, Rosary families, and prospective families to support Rosary’s athletes by simply eating out. If you eat at the restaurants on the dates listed, a certain percentage of your purchase will go towards Rosary athletics.

Please support Rosary Athletics! (Photo Credit: Rosary Academy)

January, 29- Wise Guys Pizzeria (Yorba Linda location)

January, 31- Wise Guys Pizzeria will host an opportunity for prospective families to meet Rosary coaches (Yorba Linda location)

February, 2- Rubio’s (Brea location), Miguel’s Jr. (Orange location), Panda Express (online orders from any restaurant)

For more information, go to Rosary’s website: https://www.rosaryacademy.org/athletics/athletic-week-of-giving

Your donations will help Rosary athletes by providing funds for new equipment, training facility rentals, uniform fees, individual athlete fees, etc. For sports like cheerleading, functional equipment is essential. Cheerleader Ava Oldewurtel ‘26 explains: “Equipment is super important for us. Without mats it would be incredibly dangerous to do stunts because dropping someone could mean some serious injuries. In addition, our competitions wouldn’t be the same without signs and microphones.” 

As an athlete myself, this week is so important because it’s a chance for my family members and future Royal sisters to immerse themselves in the truly wonderful and memorable experiences I am privileged to receive through Rosary’s athletics program. Your support means the world to all of Rosary’s athletes. Thank you!