Red and Gold Mass
January 25, 2023

On Jan. 25, faculty, staff, and student body kicked off the best time of the year with a Red and Gold Mass with Bishop Kevin Vann presiding. This Rosary tradition is really special because campus ministry wants to send positive vibes during the six weeks of practice before the big show. At the end of Mass we are all reminded that this tradition ultimately is to bring the whole student body together. Although we are on different teams, the culture of the Red and Gold environment unites us as one strong and hardworking school. The skills we learn during this time will carry on out for the rest of our lives.

At the Mass, the captains and student body are blessed with holy water to begin the most exciting time of the school year. One of our producers Juliet Cortes ‘23 shares, “I cannot wait for Red and Gold Kickoff! This whole experience is one I will never forget and I am so happy I get to experience it for a second time! My favorite part is being able to bond with girls in different grade levels in a fun creative way. Even though I can’t officially say what team I am on, I am so beyond proud of my team as well as Reagan’s, with all their hard work. I also cannot wait for the whole student body to see what we have been doing!”
Being a producer myself, I couldn’t agree more to what Juliet said. From the long pub meetings, to the never ending Remind texts, to the countless Facetime calls, we are beyond excited to put on the 53rd annual Red and Gold!
Everyone in Mass had the biggest smiles ear-to-ear because they cannot wait for the most beloved tradition to begin once again.