Punny story: Winter Formal edition

Photo Provided by Salvador Garcia '24

Winter Formal 2023 was of-FISH-ally a blast!

Alex Bohn, Copy Editor

This past weekend, Rosary Academy and Servite High School held their joint Winter Formal dance “Under the Sea.” The event was held in the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach and was beloved by many Royals and Friars alike. Music, laughter, and a mix of perfume and salt water filled the large space with many opportunities to explore the mysteries of the ocean.

While many Royals enjoyed the aesthetically pleasing photos taken with numerous fish and other aquatic animals, many of our Friar brothers enjoyed it as well — the night was, in fact, ‘fin’-tastic for everyone. I interviewed a few Friars to see what they had to say about this year’s Winter Formal!

Senior Matt Ellersick ’23 commented on what he loved most about the dance: “My favorite part of the dance was seeing the sea otters swim!” I’m so jelly-‘fish’ that he found sea otters. Personally, all I saw were those little minnows that like to swim around the pretty coral, I guess I had to ‘just keep swimming’ to find them.

Anika Leon ’23 and Isaac Sanchez ’23 look absolutely ex-SQUID-site! (Photo Taken by Alex Bohn ’23)

Chris Marci ’24 also loved the fact that the dance was held at the aquarium. He shared, “The fish were pretty cool. I even found Nemo.” I bet Dory and Marlin were dancing to the ‘swell’ beats played by our DJ. I have to admit, those songs were pretty ‘catch’-y.

Fellow junior, John Carlson shared his 5 star-‘fish’ review on the dance: “I had loads of fun at the dance. The venue was awesome, the music was great, and I had a fantastic time hanging out with everyone! The fish were cool, too.” I couldn’t agree more with John, everyone there was ‘quite a catch.’

Overall, the Winter Formal “Under the Sea” Dance went ‘swimmingly.’ If you find anybody ‘beta’ than our Rosary/Servite Activities Offices to plan a dance, let ‘minnow.’ I hope you all enjoyed this fish pun-filled review on what has to be our best Winter Formal yet!