The honorary academic decathlon member

Photo provided by Sophia Harvey

The Academic Decathlon team at their first in person competition last year.

Kendall Clarida, Supervising Editor

During their freshman year, Emma Fredman ‘23 and Sophia Harvey ‘23 started Rosary’s Academic Decathlon team. This year will be the team’s third year competing, and they are excited about how far their team has come.

No one is as big of a supporter of the academic decathlon team as me. Am I technically a part of the team? No. Have I slowly integrated myself as the honorary (and obviously most valued) member of the team? Yes.

Even Mrs. Neild, the moderator of Rosary’s Academic Decathlon Team, appreciates my attendance: “It has been such a pleasure having Kendall as our honorary member in Decathlon this year. She has been our team cheerleader and made the meetings even more entertaining than usual! We hope she may have picked up on some new American Revolution trivia knowledge from this year’s theme. Kendall can probably lecture anyone about Microeconomics or Trigonometry from all the valuable information she was present for in these meetings.”

Emma Fredman and Sophia Harvey, the Co-Presidents of the Academic Decathlon team. (Photo provided by Sophia Harvey)

A majority of my friend group is a part of the team, so I originally started coming to the meetings as a way to hang out with my friends during lunch. The lunch meetings turned into my attendance at after-school meetings, and now, I’m in too deep to the point where it is expected for me to show up to the weekend cram sessions. 

Emma Fredman commented on my attendance when she said: “She originally came during lunch and then one day she walked with me after school to Aca Deca. I asked her why she wasn’t going home, and I got no answer. She has come to every meeting since.”

Sophia sees my effort and appreciates my support: “I really appreciate Kendall’s support as an honorary member, and I think that any Aca Deca team would be lucky to have her as their number one cheerleader”. 

I’m a little worried my bit has gone too far because Sophia and Emma are continuously joking about me actually competing in their upcoming competition.

Madison Hayward ‘23 thinks I could take her place: “Nine times out of ten, Kendall is at Aca Deca more than me (not to say I’m not 100% qualified to be competing); however, Kendall should be the official Madison Hayward stand-in and compete because her big brain will benefit us greatly.”

Their big competition is quickly approaching, and you can come out and support the team in the afternoon on February 4 at Westminister High School. If you’re looking for a familiar face…look for me because I’ll most likely be there.

Some team members preparing for their competition last year. (Photo provided by Sophia Harvey)