The perfect winter formal proposal

(Photo Provided by Ava Fishman ’24)

Ava and her date, Nick, smile big for the perfect photograph of his adorable duck themed proposal.

Emma Oskorus, Staff Writer and Social Media Director

The week has come. Winter formal is here. Although it seems as if more people went all out on their posters for homecoming, some Rosary and Servite students still went all out this year for our winter dance.

Coming up with a poster is never easy. Usually everyone does a typical scroll through Pinterest just to come across the same poster everyone has already used. However, this year some Rosary and Servite students got extra creative. Keep reading to take a look at different proposals from each grade level for this year’s winter formal.

Since this is the first winter formal for freshmen, let’s start with a poster from Micaela Watson ’23 and Gavin Barnard ’23. Who doesn’t love an animal-themed poster? It seems very fitting considering the fact that the venue this year is at the aquarium. Micaela was asked with a fun and colorful puppy-themed poster. Micaela shared, “I loved the poster Gavin asked me with especially since I am most definitely a dog person. Being asked to my first winter formal makes it even more exciting. I am excited about where the dance is taking place as well as being with all of my friends for a good night.”

Here we have Micaela and Gavin shortly after she was asked to the dance with a cute, little dog pun on the poster.
(Photo Provided by Emily Diep ’26)

Now, let’s take a look at a proposal from the sophomore class. Servite sophomore Ethan Bautista asked his date, Abby Zavala ’25 with none other than a food-inspired poster. Ethan definitely knocked this one out of the park because what kind of girl doesn’t love food? Abby shared, “This year Ethan asked me with a sushi-themed poster. Sushi is definitely one of my favorite foods, and he even bought me a few rolls to snack on after.”

Ethan and Abby are ready to “roll” to winter formal together this Saturday.
(Photo Provided by Jazzlyn Sandoval ’25)

Although it may be fun to go all out with a proposal, sometimes simplicity can also be a good route. A nice and clean poster with a small little item on the side is quite ideal, and Ava Fishman ’24 and her date Nick Cwiertny ’24 did just that. Nick’s poster (photographed below) looked almost perfect. The letters are nice and big, and he even added a pop of color to emphasize the main theme of the poster. And better yet, he gave Ava a tiny stuffed animal duck. How cute, right? Nick shared, “Since I already asked Ava to homecoming, I was not nervous at all to ask her to another dance. I knew she would like a simple poster, and I knew she would definitely like the duck I bought to go with it.”

Last but not least, let’s appreciate our senior proposal. It’s senior year, why not go all out? Megan Mendonca ’23 switched things up by asking her date Jack Boschetti ’23. Megan raised the bar high this year, want to know why? Not only did Megan make a poster about a pair of sneakers, but she also bought her and Jack matching shoes to wear to the dance together. Jack shared, “I was definitely not expecting a pair of shoes from my winter formal proposal this year. I think wearing matching shoes is going to look so nice since they match perfectly with her dress and my tie.”

Megan and Jack are ready to hit the dance floor with their matching Converse.
(Photo Provided by Megan Mendonca ’23)

If you learned one thing from reading this, it’s to step out of your comfort zone a little to ask someone to the dance. In my personal opinion, it may sound nerve-wracking, but once it is done, it makes the experience ten times better. You never know. You may make someone’s day by showing up at their doorstep with a colorful and vibrant poster!