Featuring a friendship
Senior Anna Jordan treasures her friendship with Rosary’s wonderful cooks. (Photo provided by Anna Jordan).
January 13, 2023
Senior Anna Jordan and Rosary’s very own cooks have formulated a wonderful bond. Throughout the course of these past four years, french fries, smoothies, and grilled cheeses have brought the two parties together, and their friendship has blossomed ever since.

“Freshman year, I bought so many smoothies and tater tots, and the more I frequented that little window, the more they started to remember me,” she explained. Anna’s charming nature and love of these fine, tasty delicacies planted the seed of what would become a budding camaraderie: “As time progressed, I started looking forward to seeing them during breaks and lunch time.”

Anna’s favorite aspect of this bond are the simple ‘Hello’s’ exchanged between herself and the cooks daily: “It’s like having a family on campus,” she shared. Not only does Anna appreciate their kind gestures, but she can’t get enough of the cooking, and her favorite dish is the grilled-cheese sandwich. Just know you feel cool while walking the halls with your grilled cheese, because Anna Jordan did it first.
On an even more heartwarming note, Anna is truly grateful for the friendship she shares with the people who make the food we love: “I will tolerate zero impatience from anyone waiting in line after seeing how busy it can be. They work so, so hard and deserve all our respect.” I wholeheartedly agree with Anna. Not only do Rosary’s lovely cooks fuel the school, but their kindness never fails to bring joy to everyone around them.
As an almost-grad, Anna will miss Rosary’s cooks the most: “I’ll really miss getting to practice my Spanish with them because, like with everything else, they’re very nurturing and encouraging when it comes to my speaking skills.” While reminiscing on the past, Anna expressed her gratitude for Rosary’s cooks and how they’ve truly changed her life: “They’ve helped me come out of my shell, and are the first ones to cheer me on in anything I do!”
If you haven’t gotten to know the wonderful cooks downstairs, don’t hesitate to say a quick ‘Hello,’ just like Anna once did. Who knows? Maybe you’ll get to refine your Spanish skills in a no-judgement zone, eat some really yummy food, and make memories, that, like Anna’s, will last a lifetime.
Anna Jordan • Jan 17, 2023 at 5:39 pm