Freshman retreat: sisters for life!
Photo Provided by Christina Vaughan
The freshman made the most of their retreat with their Rosary sisters.
January 12, 2023
On Wednesday, Jan. 11, the class of 2026 went on their first retreat with the theme “Sisters for Life!” At this retreat, the freshmen were able to grow closer as a class and learn about growing high school relationships that will last a lifetime.
Being put into their assigned tables, the freshmen were able to sit next to people in their class that they may not usually talk to, and they were able to become closer and bond with their classmates.
The freshman started their day off with Mass at 8 a.m., followed by icebreakers, teacher-given talks, and games throughout the rest of the day. They ended the day by going to adoration.
Not only were the freshmen able to grow closer to their Royal sisters, but they were able to grow closer to God as individuals and as a class. Matilda Simmons ’26 shared part of her experience at the retreat: “Growing closer to God and my sisters at the same time was one of the best Rosary experiences I will ever have.”
Many of the Rosary freshmen appreciated the opportunity they were given to get to know people in their class who they haven’t been able to get to know yet. Addison Gutierrez ’26 expressed this as her favorite part of the retreat: “My favorite part was getting to socialize with people I didn’t know that well and become closer with my class.” Isabella Luciano ’26 also enjoyed this part of the retreat: “It was a lot of fun going around making closer connections with my sisters.”
One major part of this retreat was emphasizing the importance of the sisterhood created in the Rosary community. Through the affirmation pillowcase activity, the heart prayer intention activity, and several of the talks given, the freshman learned that they have a whole class full of sisters who will be their family throughout high school and many of the years following. Andreya Rodriguez ’26 talked about what she liked from the retreat: “I really loved the idea of sisterhood and getting a lot closer with my classmates and newfound sisters. The retreat was a lot of fun!”
Overall, the freshmen seemed to have an amazing time at the retreat. They really took advantage of the opportunity to really make their classmates their Royal sisters.