Get to know Ms. Reghunathan!

Photo Provided by Ms. Reghunathan

Welcome to Rosary Academy, Ms. Reghunathan!

Alex Bohn, Copy Editor

As this semester begins, we not only welcome back our Royals, but welcome a new staff member as well! Ms. Reghunathan, our new ASL teacher, is a lovely addition to the staff at Rosary Academy.

Ms. Reghunathan joined our Royal community after the winter break, and as a fully Deaf person, she brings a new perspective to the ASL classes at Rosary, and we’re so lucky to have her.

As a way to introduce her to you, I asked her a few questions to share about herself to better get to know her.

Where were you born/raised?

I was born in Malaysia, but raised in Oklahoma all my life until I moved to California for college and work.

Favorite food?

I love to try international foods.

Where did you go to college, and what did you major in?

I graduated from the University of Northern Colorado, majoring in Teaching in Sign Language (TASL), finishing with my Master’s degree.

Why Rosary, and what do you think of it so far?

Rosary Academy is a lovely community that is so welcoming and friendly; most people are so nice and willing to learn ASL, which is fantastic.

What is your favorite things to do on the weekend?

My favorite things to do are spending time with my niece and nephews, family, and friends. Also, I love to drive through to explore different towns and try new foods and experiences.

In your opinion, what is the best book of all time?

I don’t have any best books of all time, but I enjoy reading biography and Deaf culture or Deaf people books.

Any interesting facts that you’d like to share?

I love to travel and try new experiences, because life is short.

If you ever see Ms. Reghunathan in the hallways on campus, be sure to say hi. We can’t wait to see all the amazing things she brings to the Rosary community!