Checking tickets to the Czech Republic!
January 12, 2023
She’s fabulous, she’s talented, and she’s a jetsetter.
Ladies and gentlemen, Rosary beloved alumna, Caroline Linton ’21.
For those of you who weren’t lucky enough to become acquainted with Caroline during her time at Rosary, here is some brief backstory: She led the community as a dedicated member of ASB, was a fierce Royal athlete on the Lacrosse field, created some of the best short films Mr. Lyons class has ever seen, and was an all-around amazing student and peer.
Caroline has made it clear that achieving Rosary legend status isn’t enough. She’s spent the past two years conquering the Chapman University campus.
Still not enough.
She needs to conquer international lands.
I got to ask Caroline a few questions about life after Rosary, and more importantly, her upcoming semester abroad in Prague.
What are you studying at Chapman?
At Chapman, I am a Broadcast Journalism & Documentary Major in the Dodge College of Film & Media Arts.
What made you choose Prague? Were there any other places you were considering?
Honestly, studying abroad has always been a dream of mine, seriously a bucket list item. I always wanted to travel around all the European countries so that was initially the main draw to the Czech Republic. When it came to choosing which country to travel to, the Anglo-American University in Prague has such an amazing program for film and journalism. It is a gorgeous city and so easy to travel around from so I really got so lucky!
What will you be studying there?
I am taking courses mainly within my major, so related to film and journalism: Travel Journalism, Documentary Film Seminar, Cultural Journalism! Prague Art and Architecture is one I am taking for an art elective and I am so excited to see the city and talk about the history behind its beauty!

How long will you be gone? When are you leaving?
I leave January 25th and my program goes until the end of May so a full 4 months, plenty of time to see so many amazing places!
How long have you been planning this trip?
Aside from dreaming of this my whole life, I started the application progress about a year ago (two semesters before). It’s been very long and A LOT of work but obviously worth it!
What are you most looking forward to?
As annoying of an answer this is: EVERYTHING. I have never travelled outside the United States and I cannot wait to experience absolutely everything that Europe has to offer. I cannot wait to immerse myself into the culture and atmosphere. I hope to learn so much while I am there not only about the countries I visit or the subject matter of my courses but also about myself!
Are you scared about going abroad, or just excited?
Genuinely, I am just excited at this point. The stress and fear came and went with my entire passport/visa process, now I am just ready to go!!

Any advice to anyone who wants to study abroad?
I feel that I will be filled with wisdom when I return to answer this question more fully but at this moment, I can confidently say that if you have the opportunity within your schedule to study abroad, absolutely take that chance. I know I am about to venture off into an experience I will remember for the rest of my life and grow so much while I am making the most amazing memories.
Czech Republic, brace yourselves.
I’m sure Caroline will take on Prague, just like she’s taken on Rosary and Chapman.
We here at the Royal Reporter are so proud of Caroline, and wish her a great trip and safe travels.
See you in May, Caroline!