Royal roadtrips!

Here’s a gorgeous sunset picture during my own road trip to Mammoth Lakes, California. (Photo credit: Brynn Beauchamp ’23)

Brynn Beauchamp, Staff Writer

After Tuesday’s tragic return to school, I know we are all left reminiscing on all of the things we did over break, that we’d probably rather be doing now. All of our teachers have been asking what we did over the holidays, which only makes our crippling post-Christmas depression worse. By now we’ve watched every movie, heard all the classic songs, and eaten all of our favorite foods, but somehow in a matter of days here we find ourselves… back in class. It feels a bit illegal if you ask me.

Charlotte and her cousin pose for a picture in Bozeman. (Photo provided by: Charlotte Jordan ’23)


Nonetheless, I have loved hearing about all the fun memories and stories people have to share about their break, and I know everyone had an amazing two weeks just relaxing with friends and family. With all this rain, I heard about many people taking spontaneous Clark Griswold style road trips to go see the snow, and even taking all those opportunities to ski or snowboard while they were there too. Here are some spotlights on some Royal road trips that happened over the past two weeks.


Charlotte Jordan ’23

Over break, Charlotte and her family took a trip up to Montana to visit family for the holidays. While she was there, Charlotte and her cousin decided to take a road trip of their own to visit Bozeman, Montana. Charlotte added, “I drove two and a half hours with my mom and cousin to Bozeman, Montana. While we were there we decided to tour Montana State, and it was super fun. I ended up loving the school too, which made the drive worth it.”

Isabel Solorio ’23

On Christmas Day, Isabel and the rest of her family took a one day trip up to Forest Falls, California. They went up to a cousin’s cabin in the area where they got to see some snow and enjoy a white Christmas. Isabel noted, “We drove up on Christmas morning, and enjoyed a fun snow filled day. We got to spend the night with our cousins and make so many memories before we headed home the next day. It was so fun to be with all of my family.”

Danica shows off her superb boarding skills. (Photo provided by: Danica Silvestri)

Danica Silvestri ’23

Along with her family, Danica took a trip up to Big Bear to go snowboarding. She got to enjoy all the mountain has to offer from the snow, to views, and even the amazing restaurants. Danic reminisced on her adventures by saying: “My family and I planned a trip where I had the opportunity to try snowboarding for the first time. I am now determined to purchase my own gear because I loved it.”

Grace Cabrera ’24

For the holidays Grace and her family drove up to NorCal to visit her family in Sacramento. She went to see her grandparents and all of her cousins while she was there. Grace explained, “My family took the long drive up to Sacramento to spend Christmas with my grandparents. We got to tour old town, and go into all the cute shops and restaurants. It was super fun to see all of my mom’s relatives and just hang out with them.”

Grace captures the adorable pictures she made with her Grandma! (Photo credit: Grace Cabrera ’23)


Our Royals all enjoyed their festive road trips ranging from day-cations, to stay-cations, and even vacation stay-cations. Even though we are back to reality, I hope the memories you made over break make you smile during your favorite classes. Welcome back Royals!