Royals’ Christmas Break Plans

Photo Provided by Christina Vaughan

Christina Vaughan ’26 and her brother taking on the slopes!

Kendall Clarida, Supervising Editor

Even though Thanksgiving break was only a few weeks ago, Royals are anxiously awaiting Christmas break. After a busy semester and the stress of preparing for finals, students, faculty, and staff are already making plans for their vacations. Let’s look at what a few people are doing over break.

Senior Layla Langrell has a very exciting Christmas break planned and can’t wait to relax: “I am so excited for Christmas break because I get to go to Colorado, Las Vegas, and Arizona. I’ve never been to Colorado, and I’m excited to go and hope it snows. I’ve already bought a ton of new jackets. If it doesn’t snow I will be very disappointed.” I hope for Layla’s sake that she experiences a snowstorm.

Maya Davis ’23 is anticipating complete relaxation during her break. She is going to fully embrace the cozy vibes of the holiday: “I’m going to be sitting at home in my baby Yoda onesie drinking hot chocolate and watching awful cheesy Christmas movies with my mom.” I’ll have to ask Maya for some movie recommendations.

Maya Davis ’23 in her cute and comfortable Baby Yoda onesie. (Photo Provided by Maya Davis)

Christina Vaughan ’26 is spending lots of quality time with family over her break: “Before Christmas, my family and I are staying at a resort in the desert. After Christmas, we’re going to Big Bear for a family ski trip.” I wish I was spending time in the snow.

Teachers also have fun plans over break. Ms. Barclay said, “We rented a beach house for the first week of break and then after that, my family and I are just going to spend time relaxing at home. Elton John always comes over and we sing songs on his traveling piano. Timothee Chalamet might pop by too, but he said he’s still exhausted from all the fun we had singing and tasting appetizers last year.” Ms. Barclay is truly fulfilling a classic Christmas in California.

I hope everyone is looking forward to their break and spending time with family and friends. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Royals!