It’s the most wonderful time of the year
Colleen Schmitt ’23 stressing for her finals next week.
December 9, 2022
The first semester of the 2022-2023 school year is coming to an end, you know what that means… finals!
You have been working SO hard these past couple months, and it is time to put your knowledge to the test. Even though it is hard to accept the fact that your final could potentially drop your grade, this is a very important time. Here are some of our fellow Royals’ feelings about finals:

Colleen Schmitt ‘23 says, “To be honest, I am pretty over it, but I am trying to stay positive and get through it until break.”
Emma Oskorus ‘23 also gave some insight, “I am just trying to get it over with so I can have a stress-free Christmas break.”
Freshman Addison Hansen is about to take her first final: “I am so incredibly nervous and overwhelmed because of finals. I have absolutely no idea what to expect, but I am going to study every night so I can do my absolute best!”
Ava Fishman ‘24 shares, “This years finals, despite it being the most stressful first 3 months of my life, I honestly feel pretty good. Somehow I got my grades up super high out of nowhere. I feel really secure because two weeks ago I was so scared. I guess God is on my side right now. Let’s just hope I don’t jinx it!”
Some have more of an extreme opinion on finals, but I believe that it is important to share so us sisters can be there for eachother.
Finley Hawkins ‘24 states, “Finals are the root of all my problems. All my stress and anxiety comes to surface for some random test that dictates my entire future. Can’t wait for this week! It’s going to be one for the books!”
Overall, finals are a very stressful time for many. Even though we all have our thoughts and feelings about it, all will be okay. Just don’t forget that we are all in this together and you are not alone!