Quality podcast recommendations

Anything Goes episodes come out every Thursday. (Photo from @anythinggoes on Instagram).
December 10, 2022
Recently, Spotify Wrapped reminded me of my avid podcast listening. From wellness to humor shows, I’ve been obsessed with hearing others talk while completing daily tasks. During the initial stages of my podcast journey, I was in dire need of recommendations, and now that I’m seasoned within this wonderful realm, I’d like to share some suggestions that have enhanced my listening experience.

Anything Goes by social media influencer and coffee mogul, Emma Chamberlain, is my favorite podcast to date. She covers both serious and trivial topics in her episodes, and shares personal experiences that relate to audiences on deep levels. Emma breaks boundaries as she shares the trials and tribulations within the influencer world, while simultaneously emphasizing the fact that being self-employed and having a large following is a privilege that must be handled with care. My favorite part of this podcast is its congenial nature, and if you’re anything like me, you’ll appreciate the discount code for her coffee company, Chamberlain Coffee, given at the end of each episode.

Enya Umanzor and Drew Phillips look camp directly in the eye in their podcast, Emergency Intercom. If you appreciate chaotic humor coupled with hilarious storytelling, this one’s for you. The two are prominent figures in the social media world, and have lots to say about issues that in no way contribute to the betterment of our functioning society.
On My Mind by Ava Jules is one of my favorite comfort podcasts, and as an only child, tuning in is just like receiving advice from a wise, older sister. Ava gives audiences great insight on an array of topics like body image and relationships, and her way with words makes for a relaxing listening experience. My favorite episode of hers is ‘Get Out of Your Own Way,’ where she discusses how to productively work towards the future.
My final podcast recommendation is Maintenance Phase, with Aubrey Gordon and Michael Hobbes. The two very eloquently debunk the junk science behind health fads, and give positive, factual information to listeners. Before tuning in, I knew only nonsensical nutrition advice, but now, I can confidently say this podcast has both educated me in more ways than one.
Hopefully, one of these podcast recommendations is the catalyst of your long listening journey. They are all humorous, fun, and complex in different ways, and you’ll gain new, refreshing perspectives on life from each one.
Charlotte Jordan • Jan 12, 2023 at 1:49 pm
these are all great suggestions!