Farewell, Mrs. Roberts!

Book Club Officers showing their favorite Mystery/Crime novels. (Photo Provided by Mrs. Roberts)

Cadiz Salazar, Supervising Editor

If you’ve ever ran into the LEC frantic to print out an essay, reserve a quiet room, or take an AP exam, then chances are you’ve come across Mrs. Roberts! After working at Rosary for years, it is now time to finally say goodbye to our beloved ‘LEC connoisseur,’ as she will be retiring this semester. I got to interview Mrs. Roberts and hear more about her experience at Rosary.

How long have you been working at Rosary?

This is year 16, I completed my 15 year last year. I am retiring at the end of this month, Dec. 31.

What was your favorite aspect of your job?

I’ve really enjoyed working in this space and being able to interact with the girls. And being support for you guys and helping you with things that you need, whether its books or information or printing or reserving rooms, I’ve enjoyed that.

What is your favorite thing about working at Rosary?

Just being able to live my faith here and I think a lot of people take it for granted, I’ve enjoyed being in the LEC because I get to be one floor up from the chapel, and I love visiting the chapel. Today was the last Mass I’ve gotten to participate in as a staff member, and that’s special  — being able to be a part of this faith-filled community.

“Performing with my friends, Ms. Kappe, Ms. D’Alba, and Ms. Jenkins at Clash of the Classes 2017, ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’ Justin Timberlake.” (Photo Provided by Mrs. Roberts)

Do you have a favorite memory from your time here? 

Well this is something that was never part of my job — someone asked me to and I said yes — was to be part of Clash of the Classes. We would always get a group of people who were willing to jump in and be part of clashes. We even got Ms. Barclay ’94 to be Lady Gaga one year, and I have videos to prove it, but that was properly the most fun thing I’ve done here

What will you miss from Rosary?

I’ll miss the students and the friends that I’ve made, there’s some really good people here. I’ll also miss my Book Club!

Do you have any plans for your retirement?

Spending time with my husband, who is retired, and my daughters, who are married. I have two grandchildren and spending time with them and my in-laws, and also just being involved in my neighborhood community are all things I’m looking forward to.

I asked Royals how they felt about Mrs. Roberts’ retirement, and Anna Jordan ’23 said, “When I heard the news, my heart dropped. I can’t imagine a Rosary without Mrs. Roberts running point in the LEC.”

Royals past and present are so grateful for the guidance and support that she’s given us throughout her time at Rosary, and we wish her nothing but happiness in her retirement!