Royals’ Thanksgiving

Photo Provided by Emma Fredman

Seniors Matt Ellersick and Emma Fredman romanticizing their time at the Observatory.

Kendall Clarida and Layla Langrell

Thanksgiving break is officially over, and while we’re sure many students, faculty, and staff wish they were relaxing at home, we’re interested to learn about what Royals did over break. Let’s recap.

Senior Emma Fredman spent her break hanging out with friends and family: “I spent a day in LA with friends, and we toured LMU, went to a chic coffee shop, and ate at a classy famous vegan restaurant. We ended the night with a trip to the Observatory.” Later in the week, she and her family took a trip to Nevada to celebrate Thanksgiving day. We wish we had as exciting of a break. She sounds like she had a blast.

The beautiful Niagara Falls during Karina’s trip to Canada. (Photo Provided by Karina Babish)

Karina Babish ’26 used her break to get away and go to Canada. She got to hang out in the snow and eat tons of new food. When we asked her about her favorite part of the trip, she said, “I took a boat to Niagara Falls and got to see it up close. My family and I also ziplined right next to the waterfall. It was so much fun being so close and almost being able to touch the water.” Karina definitely had a break she will never forget. 

Julia Clarke ’23 spent her break touring colleges in Oregon and hanging out with family: “Over the break, I toured the University of Oregon and Portland State University. I thought Oregon was beautiful, and I hope to attend the University of Oregon next year. I also got to visit family in Northern California on my way back and spent Thanksgiving day with them!” She was definitely productive over break.

Some people enjoyed their week-long break by chilling at home. Julianna Ortiz ’23 says, “I am so glad I got to hang out with my family at home over the much-needed break. I am already looking forward to winter break.” Sometimes family time is the best way to spend break.

Not only did the students have a great break, but the faculty and staff did as well. Ms. D’Alba got to hang out with her family over the break: “On Thanksgiving, I went to my daughter’s for dinner. I didn’t have to do anything but eat and take leftovers home. I also got to play with her dog, Rocco.” 

We hope everyone had a great break and enjoyed their Thanksgiving. Do not be too sad that break is over because winter break is just a few weeks away!