Put your dancing shoes on: Father Daughter is here

(Photo Provided by Julianna Ortiz ’23)

Here is Julianna Ortiz ’23 and her dad from last year’s father daughter event.

Emma Oskorus, Staff Writer and Social Media Director

Ladies…tell your dad to prepare himself because the annual Father Daughter dance is in just two days.

This tradition is a fan favorite here at Rosary, and if you have never experienced it before, make sure you receive insight from those who have prior to Sunday night. Get ready to go all out because once everyone is competing on the dance floor, no one holds back. Tell your dad to get in a quick run or do some stretching just to build some endurance for the night. Since the event has not quite happened yet, let’s take a look at how some of the girls are preparing themselves for the big night.

Let’s be real, the best part of the night is when the fathers and daughters compete against the rest of the duos in the girls’ grade. Not only do the girls go crazy, but in all honesty, the dads go even harder. Senior Justine Avalos shares, “The best part about the father daughter dance, hands down, is the dance competition. I remember even last year one of the dads started doing the worm. My dad and I have already won my freshman year, but that won’t stop me from trying to win another.”

I know some seniors are definitely devastated about this being their last Father Daughter event, but all the girls cherish this special event because of all the great memories they make with their dad. Amber Lizardi ’23 shares, “I am really sad that this is my last father daughter event. As a dancer, I love being apart of an event that is specifically dedicated towards dancing. My dad and I have made some great memories, especially on the dance floor. It may be a little embarrassing to see him dance sometimes, but it is something I can always laugh about.”

For girls who have not experienced this event yet, especially the freshmen, it will be interesting to see their reactions as to how the night goes. No one really understands just how special this event is until they have fully experienced it. Michaela Watson ’26 shares, “I am super excited to go to my first father daughter dance. I cannot wait for it to be a night hanging out with my dad and sister. We are usually really busy so being able to have a fun night with dinner and dancing sounds awesome.”

Aside from the girls who have not had the full experience yet, all the other girls who are ready to attend another Father Daughter event have definitely started to prepare themselves for the night. As stated on the flyer, dancing is scheduled to be from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (this includes the dance competition). Although dancing for three hours straight is great exercise, it is also quite exhausting; therefore, it is important to not wear yourself out too much. Ava Fishman ’24 shares, “I cannot wait for father daughter. I think my dad is more excited than me because he loves to dance, and last year he was devastated when we were eliminated from the dance competition. This year we have big plans, and I can’t wait to dance with my dad. It is definitely the most cardio I have ever done in one night, but it is so fun because I also love cheering on all my friends in the dance battle.”

These girls are definitely excited for Sunday night, and I hope you are too. Enjoy the night, cherish the moment with your dad, and don’t forget to leave everything out on that dancefloor. Stay tuned for an upcoming article after the Father Daughter dance.

Here is a sneak peak of Amber Lizardi ’23 and her dad before the Father Daughter dance last year.
(Photo Provided by Amber Lizardi ’23)
Emma Vasquez ’23 and her dad snapped a quick picture after demolishing the dancefloor. (Photo Provided by Emma Vasquez ’23)