Royal Spotlight: Sage Baumgartner ’24

Photo Provided by Sage Baumgartner

Introducing Sage Baumgartner!

Alex Bohn, Copy Editor

Hey Royals! For this week’s Royal spotlight, I had the privilege of interviewing Sage Baumgartner ’24 to learn the behind-the-scenes of one of Rosary’s most talented and generous students.

If you’re thinking to yourself, “Hmm… I know the name Sage, but from where?,” don’t worry! To refresh your memory, Sage absolutely stunned everyone in the audience at our annual Rosary Day this year during the junior choir’s performance. Many people, including myself, got chills just from listening, and we were amazed by her talent. Though most famous in the Royal community for her angelic voice, Sage is also a stellar athlete and amazing student. Let’s dive in to the interview.

Q: What’s it like having a twin?

A: I get asked this question a lot, and all I can say is that I don’t know life without a twin, so I don’t know what to compare to. I think the best comparison I can make to having a twin, is that of being a married couple. As twins, Sonoma and I share everything, trust one another deeply, understand exactly how each other feels, make sacrifices for one another, and our relationship is extremely close and personal. I love my sister more than anything, and the connection between us is unbreakable. It is a beautiful thing to have my twin sister also be my best friend.

Q: College/career plans?

A: I have no idea where I want to go to college. I am going to visit colleges sometime this year, which will give me a better idea of the direction I want to take. Wherever I end up, I really want to travel and study abroad. As far as my career plans, I am just going to see what comes my way and go with the flow. I hope to pursue music in some way and continue singing praise and worship to share God’s presence with the world.

I can barely tell these adorable twins apart. (Photo Provided by Sage Baumgartner)

Q: Who’s your biggest inspiration?

A: My biggest inspiration is my brother, Isaiah. Since I was young, I have always idolized him. From wearing his huge basketball shorts and jerseys, to looking to him as a role model of faith, maturity, responsibility, and leadership, I have always been inspired by Isaiah. Isaiah has accomplished so much, and taken such great leaps in his faith life, that I continue to be in awe of his humility and motivation. He is now a freshman at Notre Dame, and it is hard to not have him around, but I couldn’t be happier for him and his journey ahead.

Q: If you were in a zombie apocalypse, how long would you survive?

A: I would, a trillion percent, survive a zombie apocalypse. First off, I fly under the radar, so the zombies would never even know I exist. I also have a good mix of book smarts and street smarts, so I would be able to take care of myself effectively. I am extremely independent, so who knows why I would need to concern myself with zombies or other fellow apocalypse survivors. I also have a lot of mental strength, so, I would be able to avoid insanity and paranoia during the apocalypse.

Q: How long have you been singing for?

A: I’ve been singing my entire life. My mom always says that I was singing before I could talk. I started young; my mom was a music teacher for 13 years, and my grandpa is in the entertainment business, so singing came naturally to me. I only took about 6 months of formal voice lessons, but I stopped taking lessons because I wanted to cultivate my own original voice and sound. I began by singing at school, in talents shows, at mass, and various recitals. Since then, I have gotten more into praise and worship and I now sing at Rosary and Servite events, Masses, adoration, retreats, and various religious events.

Q: What was your inspiration to start singing?

A: Singing came very naturally for me, so I never really had an initial inspiration to start, other than the fact that my family was very into music and entertainment. I have grown to inspire others to strengthen their faith and seek deeper relationships with God through singing praise and worship. So, in a way, my current inspiration to sing is to move people on a spiritual level, and awaken faith inside them that will bolster their love for God.

Q: What sports do you play/participate in?

A: I am currently on the Rosary track and field team as a middle to long distance runner. I also hope to play on Rosary’s beach volleyball team in the spring.

The whole Baumgartner clan supporting Sage’s older brother, Isaiah, proudly posing in front of a Notre Dame flag. (Photo Provided by Sage Baumgartner)

Q: Do you prefer performing or playing sports?

I don’t think I can say whether I prefer playing sports or singing because they are such different experiences. I really enjoy playing sports, and have always loved being athletic and being a part of a team. Sports give me the opportunity to clear my head, push myself physically, become stronger, and learn to support my teammates. But singing has always brought me a sort of happiness that is unmatched by anything I’ve ever felt. When I sing, I know that it is God speaking through me and giving me the gift of song. Every time I sing, I offer the performance up to God as a prayer, that way I make sure that the praise I receive is ultimately praise to God.

Q: If you had to choose between only eating In N Out or Starbucks for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

A: I would 100% choose In N Out to eat for the rest of my life. My family and I are not fast-food people, but In N Out has always been the glorious exception. In N Out’s food is high quality and satisfying, and their customer service is top-tier. I love In N Out.


Make sure to look out for Sage Baumgartner ’24 in the halls. If you have a friend that you want featured on the Royal Reporter, send an email to [email protected]!