Rosary’s Halloween plans

Photo Provided By: Cadiz Salazar '23

Rosary’s thespians looking amazing at the Trinitas Thespian Halloween Party.

Lianna Enright, Copy Editor

The weather is getting colder, the days are getting shorter, the leaves are starting to change colors and fall from the trees… You know what this means: Halloween is just around the corner!

As a child, everyone looks forward to dressing up and going trick-or-treating. Halloween is every child’s excuse to eat an insane amount of candy and stay up late. However, as you get older and enter high school, these things may become a little less exciting. Some enjoy staying in and getting cozy while watching a scary movie while others prefer going out and partying. Let’s take a dive into what Rosary students plan on doing for Halloween this year.

Halloween is a great opportunity to reunite with old friends. Mandy Puga ’24 is deciding to do just that while keeping her Halloween plans simple but fun: “For Halloween I’m getting together with my group of friends from my old school and watching scary movies. It’s fun to hang out with them since we all go to different high schools. We will definitely be eating a ton of candy!”

Madison Roach ’24 is using Halloween as an opportunity to have fun going out with her family and friends: “On Halloween, my brother and I are going to a party that my friend from Mater Dei is hosting. I’m planning on dressing up as a fairy. I made the costume myself, and I’m really happy with the way it turned out.” She’s taking advantage of this opportunity to let her creativity shine.

Many seniors have to deal with the fact that this may be their last Halloween with their family and their friends from high school. They’re definitely feeling pretty sentimental. But these seniors are more determined than ever to make this Halloween one for the books!

Allison Lillestol ’23 is doing everything she can to hold on to the remainder of the fall season. She’s choosing to spend some quality time with her friends and stay cozy: “My friends and I are getting together to carve pumpkins and watch Halloween movies. This Halloween season went by really fast and we’re going to try and enjoy our last one together!”

Alex Bohn ’23 is feeling the effects of college a little extra as it draws closer. She’s deciding to use Halloween as a chance to spend as much time with her family as possible: “I’m super excited for Halloween. It’s kind of upsetting that it’s on a Monday, but nonetheless I’m going to be super sentimental. My brother and I are dressing up as the guys from Dumb and Dumber for our last Halloween together, and we’re going to our family friend’s party.”

Rosary students are determined to make this Halloween nothing less than the best one yet! However, in the midst of all the fun, remember to stay safe and have a fa-boo-lous Halloween!