Food drives save lives

Donate to next week’s Canned Food Drive and serve the dear neighbor. (Photo from creative commons images).
October 28, 2022
From Monday, Oct. 31 through Friday, Nov. 4, Rosary will be hosting a canned food drive. Donations may be dropped in the bins outside of Rooms 8 and 9, and all proceeds will help those suffering from food insecurity.
As part of Rosary’s outreach to serve the dear neighbor, it is our mission to help those in need, and participating in the canned food drive will unite us as a school community towards that common goal. One simple donation can change lives, especially as we enter this upcoming holiday season.
Senior Julianna Ortiz is excited for the canned food drive, and encourages all students to donate: “Rosary’s spirit of giving is what makes this school such a special place. I can go into my kitchen, grab a few canned soups and sauces, bring them to school as donations, and help people. That is such a good feeling, and I hope all students take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.”
Samara DeLeon ’23 shares the same feelings: “The canned food drive is a great, easy way to serve others. Every donation counts towards a cause greater than ourselves.”
Live out Rosary’s charism next week and contribute towards efforts to end food insecurity by donating goods to the canned food drive.