Get to know the front office staff!

Cadiz Salazar, Supervising Editor

Because I do morning announcements every day, I am always greeted by the welcoming, warm faces of the main office staff: Mrs. Oliver, Mrs. Governale, and Mrs. Hurtado. If you have ever been late to school, gotten a detained slip, or turned in your father-daughter dance permission slip, chances are you’ve come across these three lovely ladies. I got to interview each of them to find out more about their lives.

How long have you been working at Rosary?

     Mrs. Oliver: 6 years.

     Mrs. Governale: I started last August, so I’ve been here a little over a year.

     Mrs. Hurtado: It will be three years next month on the nineteenth.

What did you do before you came to Rosary?

     Mrs. Oliver: I spent 20 years at St. Francis of Assisi. I was a second grade teacher and I then became their librarian.

     Mrs. Governale: My last full time job was actually being the manager of three mortuaries. I did staffing scheduling, and agendas for everyone to follow. Before that, I was an event planner for nine years, and before that I was a teacher. I’ve been coaching since I was 26.

     Mrs. Hurtado: I worked at Whittier high School as an instructional aid for special education.

Where did you grow up?

     Mrs. Oliver: Here in Orange Country; I was born and raised in Placentia.

     Mrs. Governale: I was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania and then we moved to California when I was 1 month old. Then, I lived in Southern California my whole life.

     Mrs. Hurtado: I grew up in Whittier throughout my whole life, and my grandma lived in Santa Fe Springs, so it was my second home! 

What is your favorite part of working at Rosary?

     Mrs. Oliver: Meeting people, the girls, the staff, the representatives from the colleges, and the parents. Everything, I guess! I love working in the main office with these two ladies as well! I also love sitting in front of Our Lady of the Rosary, my patron saint, every day.

     Mrs. Governale: I love the students, the faculty, the teachers, the staff. When I first walked on campus I had such a sense of peace. I love the spirit of the girls, and I have always loved working with kids. So coming back to where I started makes me happy. I just love the environment here! Also, because I get to work with the Tennis Team, I am able to get to know the girls on a more personal level.

     Mrs. Hurtado: The faculty and staff. Everyone is just so positive and wants to help eachother out; I love the comradery!

What hobbies do you enjoy?

     Mrs. Oliver: I like to garden, I like to cook, and I like to read too!

     Mrs. Governale: I love sports and I love coaching, I’ve always loved it. I love decorating, I’m very into holidays. I also love hosting family gatherings where I cook and have everyone over! I cook, I read and I love going the beach.

     Mrs. Hurtado: Crafts. I’m currently making pumpkin succulents for the holidays. I also love to do balloon backgrounds, I actually did the balloons for the Open House this past Monday. Me and my mom opened up our own little small business that you can find on our Instagram                @umbrella__creations! We do party set ups and center pieces, so it’s a great creative outlet for me.

What’s a fact about you that people may not know of?

     Mrs. Oliver: I have four kids. I have three daughters that attended here and a son that went to Servite. My two youngest daughters are twins.

     Mrs. Governale: I have a niece that has seizures so I spend a lot of time helping her in my free time. I spend a lot of my time working with her on basic skills that others might not take so seriously.

     Mrs. Hurtado: I’m a foodie. I love to try new foods, and I’m always scrolling through Instagram for new recipes. I’m a sucker for Charcuterie boards too!

 It’s always so great learning more about our Rosary staff members. Be sure to pop into the main office and greet them if you ever have the chance!