What is rivalry week and why?
October 20, 2022
Rivalry week at Servite is just next week, and you might be wondering, “What is that?”
Don’t fear, I am here to inform you that it is an entire week dedicated to building up fury and passion for the much anticipated Servite vs. Mater Dei football game.
Every year, Servite dedicates an entire week to preparing for this football game with fun activities during lunch. The Servite Quad is home to the infamous Friar cut barber shop, where students at Servite volunteer to have their heads shaved by a fellow Friar.

You may be thinking, “What is so bad about a shaved head?” But, the Friar cut is not just a full shaved head; it is an oval-shaped bald patch in the center of your head. The rest of your hair around this bald patch is left completely alone.
You may then be thinking, “Why on earth would anyone VOLUNTEER for such a traumatic haircut?”
While I do not have an answer for that, I have talked to a few school-spirited Servite students about this tradition. Salem Younes ’23 admitted, “I was close to getting one but then I remembered…’What am I doing?'”
While still not explaining why some boys are persistent on receiving this annual haircut, Salem still shows the dedication to high school football and Servite’s school spirit while simultaneously giving us a good chuckle.
Not only does rivalry week consist of Friar cuts, but it also includes a car-smashing-lunch?
Let me try to explain this in the simplest way possible: they spend a whole lunch smashing an old car from the junk yard.

Students will gather around in a circle in the parking lot and take turns smashing the car with a mallet or hammer. The other boys will just stand there and scream the entire time. Turner Wenborne ’23 even said, “This activity is definitely a bit barbaric for my taste.”
Although a bit wild at times, the students at Servite thoroughly enjoy rivalry week and love to show their school spirit for the big game.

Don’t forget to go to show your support for Servite at the Servite vs. Mater Dei football game next Friday at Cerritos College!