Need a laugh? Come to Comedy Sportz!

Photo Provided by: Katriel Cenabre '23

The Comedy Sportz team at GameCon this year!

Layla Valenzuela, Copy Editor

This Friday, Oct. 21, our very own Rosary and Servite Comedy Sportz team has their first match at 7:00 p.m. in the Servite High School Theater!

If you don’t know what Comedy Sportz is, take it from one of the co-managers, Katriel Cenabre ’23: “Comedy Sportz High School League is a teenage competitive improv program. And yes, you heard that right—it’s competitive! In a Comedy Sportz match, there is a Red and Blue team of ‘ACThletes’ that try to win the audience’s votes by going against each other in a series of hilarious improv games.”

Me, at intermission, eagerly awaiting the second part of last year’s Senior Night Comedy Sportz game. (Photo Credit: Cali Gomez ’23)

As the date soon approaches, audiences and performers alike are quaking with excitement.

The other co-manager Isabela Gutierrez ’23 says, “The English language has not created a word for how excited I get when a match is coming up. We are doing many new things this year, so I’m most looking forward to seeing how that plays out.”

If that doesn’t motivate you do come out to the match, I’m not sure what will. Tickets are available at the door for $5 and snacks are available for $2- cash only! Come out and support our Rosary and Servite ‘acthletes!’