Tennis captain interview

The tennis captain duo serving at media day. (Photo provided by: Sydney Rosario)

Julianna Ortiz, Staff Writer

This year the Rosary Tennis Team is led by the dynamic duo made up of Sydney Rosario ‘23 and Juliet Cortez ‘23. Both Sydney and Juliet are four-year members of the team, and they’re grateful for every moment they have shared on this team. As a result, they are sad to see this chapter of their life come to a bittersweet ending.

When asked what their favorite part about being a captain was, Juliet shared: “The best part about being a captain of the tennis team is getting to express my passion for tennis and looking after my fellow Royal sisters. As captain I get to know all of the girls and form friendships with all of them. Ever since I was a freshman the tennis program had been a big family the welcomed me with open arms and I’m so happy I get to reciprocate the same tenderness.”

The moment Sydney and Juliet found out they would be captains they were filled with joy. (Photo provided by: Sydney Rosario)

Sydney also said that her favorite part of being a captain includes, “fulfilling the role of being a big sister. I am the youngest in my family, so no one usually takes my advice. As a captain, I am able to help my sisters in ways I couldn’t- not only on the courts but in life in general.” She also mentioned that one of the best perks of being the captain is not having to pick up the balls after practice.

Both Juliet and Sydney cherish every moment they have shared with their teams, but Juliet shared that some of her favorite moments were when “everyone gets to play rip your face off at practice. I know me that sounds very wrong and vulgar but trust me the game is really fun and no faces are harmed while playing it.” She also loves all of the van rides and blasting music to get pumped up and ready for games.

Sydney shares “When I think of tennis, I don’t have a specific memory tied to the program. I would say all of our bonding trips, either to the beach or sleepovers, are all top-notch. I’ve made so many memories and inside jokes with these girls through the bonding trips over the years.”

The tennis captains love spending time with their teammates. (Photo provided by; Sydney Rosario)

As their tennis journey comes near to a close, they wanted to give the future captains some advice.

Sydney wants the future captains to know that being a good role model is very important. “Whether it is at school, practice, or a game, try to have a good attitude and pump your sisters up. After all, you are a leader. Oh, and be especially nice to freshmen. You need them to put the balls away.”

Juliet wants them to know that “taking on the role of being captain it’s important that you’re very optimistic. At  practice and game you should get everyone excited, amped up, and ready to play.  Tennis is a mental sport so it’s very hard to play when you are thinking negatively.” She also says that “as Captains, it is important too make sure your girls have a smile on their face and are only thinking positive thoughts going into there games. Also be a kind role model who keeps their composure and has fun!”

Juliet and Sydney love making practices fun and enjoyable for everyone. (Photo provided by: Juliet Cortez)

The Rosary Tennis Team has been killing it all season thanks to their two amazing captains—but their season isn’t over quite yet, so come out to support the tennis team at their home games on Tuesday Oct. 18 and Thursday Oct. 20.