Join the Royal Reporter Instagram

(Photo Credit: Colleen Schmitt ’23)

Here is an official reveal of the two girls, Emma Oskorus ’23 and Reagan Beuerlein ’23, who work together on the Royal Reporter’s official Instagram.

Emma Oskorus, Staff Writer and Social Media Director

Hey, Royals! Do you love the Royal Reporter? Do you enjoy reading all the weekly articles from all the wonderful staff writers? Then go ahead and check out our official Instagram. Our social media account, run by me, Emma Oskorus ’23, and Reagan Beuerlein ’23, contains all the information about top stories of the week, the weekly polls, and exciting news. The account additionally gives insight about all the fun that occurs during the class while highlighting special moments from each staff writer.

Feel free to give the account a follow @royal.reporter on Instagram. This social media account is a great way for the student body to interact with the Royal Reporter. By showing interest, students might even get featured in an article.

Reagan and I always love to hear your feedback as well. If you have any suggestions about what you would like to see on the Instagram, or anything you want to see more of, feel free to comment, swipe up on stories, etc.

Now what are you still doing staring at this article? Go get on your phone and follow!

Colleen Schmitt ’23 wants you to go follow the Royal Reporter Instagram right now. (Photo Credit: Emma Oskorus ’23)