Trending Rosary hairstyles

(Photo credit: Caela Cabal '23)

Emma Oskorus ’23 and her oh-so-cute hair!

Caela Cabal, Staff Writer

If there’s one thing that Rosary girls know how to do well, it’s following trends. With the help of social media platforms like Pinterest and TikTok, we are constantly refreshing ourselves on what’s (as my mom would say), “cool with the youth.” I pride myself in staying on top of trends, so I’ve taken it upon myself to figure out which hairstyles are all the rage at the Academy. 

Slicked back ponytail

Classy and chic, this style has been a favorite among Royals. With the emergence of the “clean girl look” all over social media, slicked back hairstyles are becoming increasingly popular. I must say that this hairstyle has had me in a chokehold. Who can resist its simplicity? Certainly not me. When rushing in the morning, throwing my unmanageable hair into a quick ponytail has been the best way to deal with it. It makes me look like I put effort into getting ready, when it’s actually so easy!

Braided ponytail

Lately, many Royals have been loving this different take on the previous look. Braiding the ponytail is a simple upgrade, but it never fails to add some extra flair. Emma Oskorus ’23 rocks this trend like no other! Like many other Royals, she sometimes completes it with a red ribbon. Adding ribbons to any hairstyle has been my favorite accessory these past few months! Isabela Gutierrez ’23 agreed, saying, “I have never put ribbons in my hair…but every time I see one of my fellow Royal sisters sporting it, my heart is filled with joy. I’ve always wanted to rock them, but I keep forgetting to ask my mom to take me to Michael’s.” Too real, Isabela.

Pigtail braids

Ever since I watched “Frozen” for the first time in the second grade, I have been OBSESSED with putting my hair in braids. Now I don’t mean to assume that I’m a trendsetter or anything, but other girls around campus have been catching on to my favorite hairstyle…so maybe I am a trendsetter. The fashionable Frankie Mcguire ’23 and Savina Padilla ’25 look fabulous in their Caela-inspired hair. How cute!

Frankie Mcguire ’23 and Savina Padilla ’25 twinning with their braids. (Photo credit: Caela Cabal ’23)

Claw clips

Like many women of the world, Rosary girls are not immune to the power of a good claw clip. Isabella Jimenez ’23 always makes sure to keep one in her bag in case of a hair emergency. Vianna Cabal ’25 shared, “I love my claw clips. They’re so easy to use and they always look so cute.” It’s such an effortless way to get your hair out of your face, and with a wide variety of styles, claw clips are just like another accessory!

Isabella Jimenez ’23 adores her pretty pink claw clip! (Photo credit: Caela Cabal ’23)