Dating in the eyes of Servite guys

Photo Taken From @serviteasylum on Instagram

What might these Friars want in a relationship?

Alex Bohn, Copy Editor

Many times, the media illustrates dating as some exciting rite of passage essential to the high school experience. As your honorary senior big sister, I want to let you know that while dating can be super fun, it is in no way a necessity to saying you had a great high school experience.

That being said, I thought it would be funny to attempt to understand what goes through the minds of teenage boys when the topic of dating comes up. I took a few anonymous samples from our Friar brothers and asked what they look for in a relationship. Please take these quotes with a grain of salt, and remember that there is a person out there (maybe even beyond Servite) that is looking for everything you want too.

What is your ideal first date?

Class of ’23: “I guess I would say that my ideal first date would be doing some activity like mini golf or getting coffee while thrifting. If it was going well, we would then go driving with her on aux, just listening to music and hanging out.”

Class of ’24: “I think I value interpersonal connection over picture-perfect movie scenes. So probably a dinner (nothing too nice, but nothing super cheap) with good conversation and maybe a walk after the meal. I’m easily pleased.”

Biggest green flag?

Class of ’26: “I like when she’s chill with my friends. Then we can all hang out and I don’t have to worry about giving up my time with the guys.”

Class of ’23: “A girl’s biggest green flag is when she can keep a conversation going.”

Royal seniors wonder whether or not this advice is legit. (Photo Credit: Alex Bohn)

Best quality in a girl you’re talking to?

Class of ’23: “The best quality in a girl would be a Christian, loving, and caring person.”

Class of ’24: “I would say the best quality she has is her independence. She doesn’t attach herself to any particular stereotype or idea, she just acts like herself. She feels free to be herself and be genuine with me which makes us bond even easier. We accept each other’s flaws and that makes it easier to work through them.”

Class of ’24: “I would want a girl who I can just talk to about anything in any situation, someone who I can trust, and someone who is always there unconditionally, just like my girlfriend.”

At what point do you think your relationship should be exclusive?

Class of ’23: “It’s honestly kind of a hard question because I feel like a lot of it is just vibes. If you were to draw a general line though, I feel like after a mutual confession is a pretty decent point. If you both know you like each other and you both tell each other you like each other, it feels weird at that point for someone to keep seeing other people.”

Should a girl ask a guy on a date?

Class of ’26: “I believe if a woman likes a guy, they should definitely just ask, and not try to just send signs for weeks or months. It is not bad at all if the woman asks.”

Class of ’25: “Girls should make the first move. In my opinion as a dude, it’s an 85% percent chance of acceptance of being asked out. We as men are a lot more nervous to ask you out or even to talk to you. Trust me. Girls should ask.”

Any advice you have for the girls?

Class of ’23: “I guess if I had any advice it would just be to be patient and understanding. Sometimes it’s hard for people to admit they aren’t okay even though it’s obvious, but you just need to be there for them and be a shoulder.”

Class of ’26: “My advice would be to not hesitate to come talk to us. So don’t be afraid to come say hi or something. ”

Well, there you have it. Some of these tips I can agree with, while others… Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the glimpse into a teenage boy’s mind. Remember that Servite is only 0.0000001032% of the population of guys in the world, and if you don’t see an answer you like on here, no worries! You will find somebody that you enjoy dating, and they don’t have to necessarily be a Friar. Nonetheless, dating can always be fun, but remember that you don’t need to date to ‘complete’ your high school experience.