Rosary and Servite 2022 Homecoming halftime

Photo Credit: Charlotte Jordan

Seniors Chloe McNamara and Kendall Clarida had a blast at their last HOCO game!

Charlotte Jordan, Staff Writer

This past Friday, Servite played its homecoming game against St. John Bosco as the Asylum and Rowdy Royals alike cheered from the stands. The weather that was day mild if a little chilly—perfect for both throwing the ole pigskin around and crowning our homecoming king and queen.

Seniors Megan Mendonca and Amber Lizardi cheered on their friends on the dance team with eye-catching posters. (Photo Credit: Charlotte Jordan)

After Servite’s Friars ran, threw, kicked, and scored for a little while, it was time for the notoriously excellent half-time performance by the Royal Cheer and Dance Teams. For several minutes, our Royals put on a spectacle of Broadway-proportions to a medley of Pitbull’s “I Feel Good,” WAR*HALL’s “Bring That Fire,” and Dem Franchize Boyz “Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It.” They were met with well-deserved, thunderous applause, creating the perfect positive environment to segue into the announcement of homecoming king and queen.

Each member of the Homecoming Court was announced and proceeded onto the field, the Prince and Princess escorted by the Princess’s parents. After all of our HOCO royalty was situated on the field, the big announcement was finally made…

Our 2022 Homecoming King and Queen were seniors Tyler McCown and Emma Vasquez! I couldn’t even imagine how wild it must have been, to go from dancing and cheerleading to being crowned Rosary’s Homecoming Queen within minutes; thankfully, Emma provided some insight on that whirlwind experience: “I was very surprised to win queen, and my favorite part was when my coaches and the rest of the dance team started running and screaming and we were all jumping up and down of excitement.”

After the HOCO court’s coronation, the football game ended in a valiant, commendable effort from Servite’s football team; though the game was ultimately a loss for the Friars, all those in attendance would likely agree the fun memories, impressive determination of the football team, and exciting half-time festivities were well worth attending!

HOCO Princess Sophia Harvey ’23 and Joy Harfouche ’23 were all smiles during the big game!