Rosary Day – from the juniors’ perspective
Photo provided by @RosaryRoyals instagram
Rosary’s 2021 junior class
September 30, 2022

Rosary Day is right around the corner which means our junior sisters are going to finally receive their rings and celebrate one of our school’s most cherished traditions.
Some of us are wondering what might be going through their minds now that they are more than halfway done with their careers at Rosary.
Here is some of what they had to say about Rosary Day.
Julia Watson shared, “It’s been a dream to experience Rosary Day ever since I was a freshman and watched my older sister receive her ring and scholarship. I feel that this ceremony is a beautiful tradition, and I can’t wait. I also love being able to spend the day at Disneyland with my Rosary sisters.”
Fellow junior Kylan Castillo expressed similar feelings: “I’m super excited for Rosary Day next week. I’m pretty happy about being half way through if I’m being honest. Its been really fun but also really challenging at the same time.”
Lianna Enright exclaimed, “I’m so excited to receive my class ring, especially since my sister is presenting it to me. I feel like it still hasn’t sunk in that it’s happening next week. This makes the feeling of being halfway through high school a lot more real and exciting. I also can’t wait to spend the day at Disneyland with my friends after!”
Rosary’s juniors are feeling very excited, but it is also bittersweet. Nonetheless, the juniors are enjoying and soaking in all of the moments they have left with their fellow sisters, and they are excited to celebrate all of their accomplishments.