You don’t have to worry, darling – “Don’t Worry Darling” Review
September 28, 2022
We saw the very controversial, “Don’t Worry Darling” this past weekend. And we have some thoughts.
First thing, it does NOT deserve to be decimated as brutally as it has been by the media and critics.
And yeah, we giggled sometimes at Harry Styles’ acting. And yeah, the screenplay is DEEPLY flawed. And YEAH, seeing Harry Styles tap-dance was deeply jarring.

But it was still an okay movie.
Florence Pugh obviously absolutely devoured. She ate so hard, she took a bite out of the plate, started knawing at the table, and literally popped out of the screen to take a chawmp out of our comfy AMC chairs. She ate the movie projector like it was an In-N-Out Double Double Cheeseburger. But we all knew she would.
Harry’s acting has been the source of much debate. However, it’s important to remember that his character is acting within the simulation, so his corniness can be excused. He wasn’t stellar, but he wasn’t as unforgivably awful as people are making it seem.
We refuse to speak on this anymore, since we are disgustingly and perversely biased.
The plot. Babes, let’s go.
To begin, babes: We’re a little confused. It’s literally “The Truman Show” but if it was watered down with warm Gatorade. But like a good flavor of Gatorade. And hotter people.
There are several plot holes, but it’s still a fun little watch. It’s a decent thriller.
More importantly than the plot, let’s talk about the hot people in this movie.
Nick Kroll is hilarious, although sometimes jarring since you’re not used to see the guy on the “Kroll Show” in such a serious roll.
Chris Freaking Pine. He gave the performance of his lifetime. He was disturbing, scary, and totally convincing. Gemma Chan is the perfect counterpart to him. She inarguably plays the most complex and interesting character. She is an absolute treasure and fantastic asset to the film.
Olivia Wilde. Ehhhhhh…
Once again, we are deeply and concerningly biased.
However, her comedic timing is pretty darn good. Other than that, ehhhhhh….
We are not in agreement about the score. Emma thinks it’s way too on the nose and the deep panting noises are overused and oversaturates the movie. Trista thinks it makes the movie intense and interesting. We have agreed to disagree.

What we both agree on is how amazing the cinematography is. Honestly, it makes the film so interesting to watch. The lens flares really sold the desert aesthetic. However, the weird ink blotches and eye visuals are way too much, and frankly, just annoying.
Overall, we would rate the film a 6.5/10. It’s not perfect, but it’s not awful. If you like thrillers, or just like Harry Styles and Florence Pugh, give it a watch.
caroline • Oct 10, 2022 at 10:26 am
Charlotte Jordan • Oct 3, 2022 at 8:06 am
I respect this analysis, very entertaining movie!
Anna Jordan • Sep 30, 2022 at 3:28 pm
don’t see this movie with emma silva! she’ll scream every time harry styles is on screen!
rory • Sep 30, 2022 at 11:30 am
Florence Pugh obviously absolutely devoured. She ate so hard, she took a bite out of the plate, started knawing at the table, and literally popped out of the screen to take a chawmp out of our comfy AMC chairs. She ate the movie projector like it was an In-N-Out Double Double Cheeseburger. But we all knew she would.
is one of the best paragraphs have read recently–amazing.