2022 Homecoming Rally

Photo Credit: Charlotte Jordan

The senior class was brimming with school spirit!

Charlotte Jordan, Staff Writer

Senior Cadiz Salazar invited her shadow to run into the rally in the Senior Stampede! (Photo Credit: Charlotte Jordan)

I think there is a general consensus among Rosary students that some Flex period activities are superior to others. Everybody loves an Office Hours now and then, and Wellness periods are very much appreciated when assignments and stress start piling up—however, there is a clear favorite way to spend Flex: rallies! Lucky for us Royals, we got to enjoy this year’s Homecoming Rally this past Wednesday on Sept. 28.

Chloe Squared (otherwise known as ASB spirit leaders Chloe McNamara ’23 and Chloe Hoyos ’23) kicked off the rally by leading each class in the “Rah-Rah-Rosary” cheer to get everybody warmed up and in a competitive mindset—after all, the coveted Spirit Stick was once again up for grabs…

After the crowd was all ready to rumble, Chloe Squared invited the Homecoming Court to participate in a game titled “Best Dressed,” in which each Servite Prince had to make a gown fit for a queen (wink!) for their Princess by cutting up two pink trash bags. In an impressive struggle for fashion domination, Prince Brandon Patriquin ’23 and Princess Tori Gomez ’23 emerged trash-bag-clad victors!

The Servite Princes made some interesting design choices. (Photo Credit: Charlotte Jordan)

Next, senior big sisters teamed up with their sophomore little sisters to go head-to-head with the junior big sisters and their freshmen little sisters in a balloon-popping relay. After a flurry of mad dashes, loud pops, and cheers from the crowd, the freshmen/junior team came out on top, while members of every class participated in a “We love juniors! We love freshmen!” chant.

Chloe Squared then recalled the Homecoming Court to the stage to play “Guess that Song.” In this game, the Hoco Court duos got to hear snippets of beachy bangers and had to guess the songs’ titles; if they guessed correctly, the pair would get a point, and the couple with the most points by the end of the game won. Junior royalty Ava Fischman and Thomas Andreeff took the win, along with a prize of Sour Patch candy.

The senior class was thrilled that the Spirit Stick ended up back in Class of 2023 hands! (Photo Credit: Charlotte Jordan)

The last game us Royals got to participate in was a Tug-of-War match comprised of Ambassador-Shadow pairs; in the end, the powerful, strong, and beautiful left side (that I happened to be part of) overpowered the right and won colorful victory leis. To wrap up, Chloe Squared led a unified “RA” cheer to remind us all of our everlasting bond of sisterhood and get out the last of our ramped-up energy before our next class.

Finally, the moment had come…the Spirit Stick needed to be awarded to the class that had shown the most Royal enthusiasm, but who could it be? THE SENIORS, THAT’S WHO!

A senior myself, I was extremely proud and grateful of the energy my class put into this rally, and taking home the Spirit Stick at our last Homecoming Rally was icing on the cake. Overall, this rally will definitely go down in the books as one of the most fun of the year!