Servite Princes take on HOCO

Photo Provided by Alex Bohn

Your 2022 Servite Homecoming Court!

Alex Bohn, Copy Editor

Homecoming is on its way! Both Royals and Friars are looking forward to the approaching dance. As many of you know, being a prince or princess on the Homecoming Court is a very special honor for both Royals and Friars alike; however, the Friars’ election processes for the Court are very different.

At Rosary, a link is sent out with every junior’s and senior’s name and whomever is voted for the most will earn a spot on the HOCO court. The process is long and stressful as hopeful girls wait to see whom the Royals have chosen. At Servite, on the other hand, if the guys have a feeling that they want to be on the court, they just sign up… that’s it.

Here are the Homecoming princes: Matthew Stevens ’23, Zigmond Berridge ’23, Mike Nelsen ’23, Brandon Patriquin ’23, Parker King ’23, Tyler McCown ’23, Kyle Hogue ’23, and Thomas Adreeff ’24. They offered to give their sometimes humorous take on potentially being named king.

Why did you decide to run for homecoming court?

Matt: I decided to run because I thought it would be fun and why not, it’s my last year.

Mike: I was on prom court last year, but I missed prom because I had Covid, so I wanted to make it up this year.

Kyle: I thought it would be a fun thing to do with my girlfriend, Caela, for both of us to be on the homecoming court. Also for me, I thought it would be something fun and unique to be a part of for my senior year.

Thomas: I decided to do it simply for the fun of it and for some fun competition between me and my brothers.

Who do you think is going to win?

Mike: I honestly don’t want to win. All the men at Servite are cheering for Ziggy to win though.

Kyle: I think her (Caela Cabal ’23) and I would win because I think having a boyfriend and girlfriend winning would be pretty awesome and I think other people think that way. But I’m mainly just glad to be on the court with her.

Thomas: I think I will win, although, since I am a junior, I am unsure if they will allow me to be king if I do.

Brandon: I think Ziggy is gonna win because he’s an all-around great guy and the hype for him is unreal.

Homecoming princes Matthew Stevens ’23, Brandon Patriquin ’23, and Parker King ’23 pose with friends at last year’s prom. (Photo Provided by Brandon Patriquin)

Do you think you have what it takes to win Homecoming King?

Matt: Of course I think I have what it takes. I’m the best.

Parker: I think I have what it takes, honestly, I have no clue, I just thought it would be fun to try and win, and that it would be an experience to remember for the rest of my life. I’m just trying to make my senior year the best senior year ever.

Tyler: I do think I have what it takes to be the homecoming king, I honestly did it just for fun. I mean it’s senior year and I want to enjoy all of it so I said why not? I mean I hope I’m well known at Servite and Rosary as a genuine guy, so I hope I have what it takes to win.

Ziggy: I believe it takes popularity and charisma to become homecoming king.

What are you most looking forward to about homecoming?

Brandon: I am most looking forward to going to a dance with my girlfriend after she missed out on prom last year.

Ziggy: I’m looking forward to having a good time with my friends.

Parker: I’m most looking forward to having fun with my girlfriend at homecoming. I’m not gonna base my happiness on winning or losing; I just can’t wait to have a good time and enjoy the night.

Tyler: I think what I’m looking forward to most is enjoying all these dances as a senior now. The awkwardness is gone and I now know everyone and they hopefully know me. I just get to be myself and enjoy the night with my friends and create memories that we’ll all remember in our later years.

Make sure to look out for these Servite princes on the dance floor at homecoming, Saturday October 1, 2022 at Servite High School.