Cracked Crab Review
Photo Provided by Mike Schmitt
Rosary parents working hard to make this an enjoyable evening for all.
September 23, 2022
This past weekend, Rosary Academy held their 42nd annual “Cracked Crab,” an event to raise money for Rosary Athletics, as well as enhance each athletic program. Cracked Crab is an annual tradition where the Rosary parents have the opportunity to enjoy a night of good food, fun games, and dancing.
The parents manned the booths where they auctioned items off for Rosary sports. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the athletes and the parents dedicate a lot of hard work to make this a successful and fun night.

This year’s Cracked Crab theme was “Under the Stars.” Each year, the theme sets the mood for all the decorations and details that make the night special. Gigi Oskorus, mother of Emma Oskorus ‘23, shared, “All the hard work and dedication the other moms and I put into creating another successful Cracked Crab was well worth it in the end. The parents enjoyed their time, and everything went smoothly. Overall, I always enjoy helping put together this event in order to give back to the school that is providing my daughters with a great education.”

Royal Ambassadors were there to help serve the food to the parents. Some girls helped work at their own athletic booths, and the rest were assigned to a table to serve. Jada Alexis ‘23, ambassador captain, offered, “I always enjoy volunteering at Cracked Crab. Being able to volunteer with my friends makes the experience better, and it always seems as if the parents really enjoy this annual event.”

Overall, this was a successful night that gave the Rosary community a chance to come together and raise money for the Rosary athletes.