Junior retreat: I’m a big sis now!
Rosary’s juniors dancing to the cha-cha slide at their retreat.
September 23, 2022
This past Wednesday, Sept. 22, Rosary’s junior class went on their spiritual retreat at St. Mary’s Church. The theme of this retreat was “I’m a big sis now!” The juniors started off with Mass at 8 a.m. and participated in many different activities and talks throughout the day. Students were put in small table groups with some of their classmates and one senior group leader.

This retreat served as a great way for the junior class to bond with each other and grow closer to God as individuals and as a class.

The juniors were intentionally put in tables with students they don’t usually talk to. This was meant to give them an opportunity to get to know people outside of their normal friend group and become closer with their class as a whole.
Most juniors were not happy about this at first, but many of them later said they were glad they got the chance get to know more about their fellow classmates. Lea Monroy ’24 stated: “One of my favorite things about retreats is bonding with people in my class that I don’t normally talk to. At my small table for this retreat, most of the people I sat next to weren’t the friends I talk to everyday. But I still had a lot of fun getting to know them more and grow closer in our faith together.”
Mandy Puga ’24 shared what she enjoyed about the retreat: “I really enjoyed the junior retreat because it gave me a break from school and a chance to connect with God while with my junior sisters. It was nice to hang out with my sisters and have a chance to grow in my faith.”

This retreat also helped the juniors learn how to trust each other as a class. Alyssa Ramirez ’24 talked about one of the activities the juniors participated in to build their trust: “The retreat was a nice little mental break from school. My table had great discussions, and we were able to trust each other when we had to do the trust fall game. I think we all learned a little more about each other on the retreat.”
Overall, the juniors seemed to have a good time at the retreat. They got the chance to grow in their faith and grow closer to their junior sisters through prayer, adoration, and small group activities.