How far we will go for a cup of joe

Photo Credit: Kendall Clarida

Seniors Emma Fredman and Kendall Clarida enjoying their Starbucks.

Kendall Clarida, Supervising Editor

Coffee is a staple not only for me, but also for many of my fellow Royals. Recently, I’ve been thinking about my dependence on coffee. It has become the solution to almost every problem in my life. Unbearable headache? A trip to Starbucks will fix it. Hard day? Making a mocha when I get home will make me feel better. I’ve realized everyone has their preferred way of getting coffee, and many people will go to great extents to get their daily caffeine. Here are only some ways my fellow Royals and I prefer to get their coffee.

Homemade Coffee

Kendall Clarida with her homemade coffee listening to Taylor Swift on a Sunday morning. (Photo Credit: Kendall Clarida)

A classic (as well as a more budget-friendly option) is making/bringing coffee from home. Whether it’s from a Keurig, coffee pot, or bringing pre-bottled coffee, coffee from home is always a safe option. It allows you to customize your drink to your specific taste as well as practice your barista skills. You can choose your own creamers, experiment with cold foam, and make it as sweet as you desire. Also, the vibe of homemade coffee is just immaculate. A cup of freshly brewed coffee in a cute mug on a Sunday morning is a perfect feeling. That’s happiness if I’ve ever felt it. Senior and avid coffee drinker Chloe McNamara said, “Homemade coffee makes me feel urban, and I feel like homemade coffee is cheaper and if I’m fiending for coffee, I’ll be saving my money. I can also do whatever I want with my coffee and no one can mess it up, so I’m guaranteed to be satisfied.” Homemade coffee will always be there as a safe and reliable option.


My personal favorite (and also my reason for going bankrupt) is Starbucks. Some may prefer Dunkin’ Donuts, but Starbucks will always hold a special place in my heart. Their year-round drinks continue to satisfy every craving, but their seasonal options are something I look forward to all year long. I don’t think any coffee/drink will be able to make me as happy as a Pumpkin Spice Latte, Iced Chai, or Strawberry Acai Refresher. Starbucks has an option for every customer.

Charlotte Jordan ’23 might not get coffee from Starbucks, but she is a firm believer in the motivation a trip to Starbucks will guarantee: “My favorite Starbucks drink is the Mango Dragonfruit Refresher because it’s sweet and tart, and it lives up to its name by being very refreshing. This drink is sometimes my number one motivation for making it out of the house on time in the mornings, and I genuinely think my academic performance is better on mornings I get my drink.”

Even Royals with a zero period find time to stop by Starbucks, despite the possibility of being late, for their daily dose of caffeine. I know if I have a craving for Starbucks, I will go the extra mile to make sure I have my drink of choice in my hand. The drive-thru is too long? Fine, I’ll preorder and walk in. Nothing can stop me when I feel an intense need for Starbucks (not even the lack of money in my bank account).

Rosary Coffee

Students at Rosary have been blessed by having access to coffee on campus thanks to the Bevaris crew. Royals can get their mocha or vanilla latte of choice, and I know many students will wait entire lunch periods to get a coffee from the incredible food service. The coffee on campus has saved me countless times whether I stayed up late for a test and could barely keep my eyes open, had a bad day, or was craving something sweet. Although Rosary coffee may be another reason for putting me into debt, I will always go back for more. I will never forget the disappointment I feel when they tell me they’re out of mocha, but I think that proves how much coffee Royals consume from the food service. Their coffee is definitely loved.

Have you ever seen a drink more angelic looking than the Golden Eagle from Dutch Bros? (Photo Credit: Kendall Clarida)

Dutch Bros

My heart will forever belong to Dutch Bros. After spending over a week in Arizona this summer, I found myself craving Dutch Bros during every part of my day. It was the first thing I thought about when I woke up and the last thing I thought about before I went to bed. Dutch Bros. has so many unique options, whether you want coffee or an energy drink. You can get a sweeter beverage or a more refreshing treat if that’s more your vibe. I am not ashamed to say I would travel 52 minutes to the closest Dutch Bros. just to have a Golden Eagle in my hand.

Every form of coffee holds a special place in my heart. There are days when I want a homemade cup of hot coffee, but sometimes I really just crave my $6 Starbucks drink or a road trip to Dutch Bros and won’t stop until I get it. Coffee has become a staple factor in Rosary’s student body and continues to bring smiles to many Royals’ faces.