Hang in there juniors

Photo Provided by Reagan Beuerlein ’23

The junior class seconds before winning the spirit stick at the Fall Sports Rally.

Reagan Beuerlein, Staff Writer

School is officially in session. Freshmen are only worried about fitting in; sophomores are now thinking that they know everything about high school since they have one year of experience; and the seniors are beginning their early days of senioritis. And juniors? Juniors are stressing.

Finley Hawkins ’24 way of dealing with the junior year stress. (Photo Provided by Finley Hawkins ’24)

From massive workloads, to those occasional days of having multiple tests a day, to the stress-levels being at an all time high, you could never forget the juniors. As many are aware, junior year is probably the hardest year, and that will forever be known.

From someone who experienced it not too long ago, I know how junior year feels. But for those who don’t, here is a quote from the one and only Finley Hawkins ’24 who did not hold back.. Or even try to. She says, “Junior is lowkey the most disastrous thing I have ever experienced. Everyone is so sad and depressed all the time and nobody wants to be here. I’m waiting for the day my mother yanks me out of school. But I love all my friends and I couldn’t possibly survive without them… OH and Ms. Sutcliffe. I love that woman with my entire heart.”

Doesn’t this make you so excited to be a junior?! Although certainly not all juniors are having Finley Hawkins moments, there is no doubt a fair amount of stress exists for a junior, the year when it all starts to get real.

Here are some positive and healthy tips to manage it all. 

Although it may seem like the hardest thing to do, make time for yourself. I already know you complain saying you have no time, but we all know you do. Stop scrolling on Tiktok or reacting to all your friends BeReal’s and put on a face mask, light a candle, and turn on some soothing music to relax. Journal too and write out all your feelings whether it is anger, sadness, or one good thing that happened that day. It will only take 10 minutes or less. Self care is extremely important to help with stress because it is something that allows you to take those extra breaths.

Smiling and excited Amber Lizardi ’23, Emma Oskorus ’23, Reagan Beuerlein ’23, and Francesca McGuire ’23 before their first prom junior year. (Photo Provided by Reagan Beuerlein ’23)

Another important tip to remember during this stressful year is that you need to avoid procrastinating at all costs. Get your work done right when you get it because it will just keep piling up and make you more stressed. I know it sucks because it does get overwhelming at times, but just be ahead of the game and stay organized! Everything is better when organized. So get a planner if you don’t already have one, an keep it updated so you are aware of all your assignments and due dates.

With organization goes talking to your teachers. They are here to help you, even if you truly believe they are out to get you. I promise they aren’t. Even Emma Vasquez ’23 says, “The best thing I did junior year to help with my overall stress was finding time to see my teachers. I know you all want to just relax at lunch because it is break, or sleep in for that extra 30 minutes in the morning, but all this can do is help you. It is honestly probably the most impactful thing I did my entire junior year. Your teachers want to see you succeed and will do whatever they can to help. You got this!”


Sydney Rosario ’23, Juliet Cortes ’23, and Megan Mendonca ’23 all blinged out on October 8, 2021 for their Rosary Day. (Photo Provided by Sydney Rosario ’23)

The last and final tip is to stay positive! I know it can be really difficult but trust me on this. When you are negative about everything, you have no motivation to do quite literally anything. It is very easy to stay caught up in all the bad and miss all the good! Junior year is honestly one of the best years to look forward to: you are officially upperclasswomen, you have Rosary Day, and you have your first Prom! There is so much to look forward to and it would really be sad for you to miss out on all the good because your focused only on the negatives.

If you ever need anything or someone to talk to, please don’t hesitate to come talk to your senior sisters or just me. We all want to see you smiling in the halls and not crying because you have three tests in one day. You all got this and if you are having a bad day, it’s okay! Try again tomorrow!