Introducing Mrs. Vasquez

(Photo Provided by Mrs. Vasquez)

Mrs. Vasquez ’17 on her wedding day.

Colleen Schmitt, Staff Writer

Rosary Academy welcomed a new Religion teacher this year, Mrs. Vasquez ’17. She did a lot of fun things this summer and shared them in this interview.

Q: What made you want to come back to Rosary?

A: I came back to Rosary because I love the sisterhood! I have always loved Rosary for being a place where we can be ourselves and dive into learning something new every day. I am thankful for the teachers that taught me, and I wanted to give back and join my students in their Rosary experience.

Mrs. Vasquez with all of her bridesmaids on her wedding day. (Photo Provided by Mrs. Vasquez)

Q: What made you want to become a teacher?

A: I love learning, reading, and working with other people. I am passionate about the subject religion, and I have a passion for making it fun and interesting. I became a teacher to share the journey of following Christ inside and outside the classroom. All the teachers that taught me at Rosary inspired me in their own way to become an active learner which contributed to my interest in becoming a teacher. 

Q: Why did you want to teach religion?

A: I have really gotten to know Jesus through studying, praying, and searching for answers. He has blessed my life in ways I couldn’t imagine. I see the Catholic faith as one big story book filled with imagination, love, creativity, logic, science, and inspiration and I wanted nothing more than to share that with my students. I use these passions and ideas with my freshmen and sophomores, and we dive deep into God’s story and plan for us. 

Q: What college did you go to?

A: I went California State University of Fullerton.

Q: What makes you passionate about your Catholic faith and wanting to teach others?

A: I have experienced great love and community within my Catholic faith and have made life-long friends who share in my values. I want everyone to experience the belonging that Jesus Christ is calling them to. Being friends with someone, especially Jesus, takes time. There are a lot of questions to be asked and experiences to share, and I love teaching from my experience and sharing the beauty of aligning our lives to the teachings of the Catholic Church.  

Q: Did you do anything fun or exciting over the summer?

A: Yes! I got married! My husband and I got married about 3 months ago. We traveled up the coast for our honeymoon and tried many coffee shops and eateries. We moved into our apartment with a roof top pool and hung out with our wedding party all summer long.

Mrs. Vasquez with her husband on their honeymoon. (Photo Provided by Mrs. Vasquez)

Q: What are your favorite things to do in your free time?

A: I love to read romance and mystery books. I also love to bake bread and sweet pastries. I am quite the coffee person, so I travel all around Orange and LA County to find the best coffee shops around on my free time. Lastly, I love walking my dog and exercising.

One of the many pastries Mrs. Vasquez baked this summer. (Photo Provided by Mrs. Vasquez)

Q: What are you most excited for this 2022-2023 school year?

A: I am so excited to meet everyone! I love all my students and I enjoy getting to know them more every class period. I also cannot wait for Red and Gold. As a student it was the highlight of my year, and I am excited to see what that will look like now being a faculty member. 

Next time you walk by room 212 make sure to stop and say hi Mrs. Vasquez and ask about her summer adventures.