What Royals do during a three-day weekend: Labor Day edition

Photo Provided by Kristen Hayward

Kristen Hayward ’24 and Isabella Montano ’24 staying cool at Lake Arrowhead.

Lianna Enright, Copy Editor

This past weekend was Labor Day weekend which means one thing for Rosary students—a long awaited three-day weekend. Whether you had plans with your friends or family or just wanted to relax at home, I think we can all agree that this long weekend was definitely needed.

Let’s take a deeper dive into what Royals did over Labor Day weekend.


To kick off the weekend, Layla Valenzuela ’23 and Allison Lillestol ’23 planned on supporting our Servite brothers at the football game on Friday night; however, they had a slight change of plans. Allison stated, “Layla and I planned on going to the football game, but I did get us lost on the way there. So, we gave up and went to the mall instead. It was so much fun window shopping and blasting Taylor Swift on the freeway—so much more fun than a football game!”


On the other hand, some people decided to really put the “labor” in Labor Day. Melanie Kamel ’24 kept herself busy working at the OC Street Fair: “I volunteered at the OC Street Fair helping at the Lebanese booth and constantly serving customers in the intense heat all weekend. But, it was really rewarding knowing that I was helping my church!”

The very place where Melanie Kamel ’24 emphasized the “labor” in Labor Day. (Photo Credit: Melanie Kamel)


Others stayed active—even during the insanely high temperatures. Rosary Cross Country Team member, Mandy Puga ’24, talked about her experience competing: “My cross country team had our first race of the season. It was extremely hot, but I’m proud of the team for making it through! Competing in the heat was extremely hard, but I love being with my team which make it bearable.”


Kit Hayward ’24 and Isabella Montano ’24 decided to keep it cool and head to the lake for Labor Day. Kit shared her experience, “For Labor Day weekend, I went to Lake Arrowhead with Isabella. We hung out in my cabin, attempted paddle boarding at the lake during the day, and watched nostalgic “Barbie” movies at night. It was a really fun and relaxing experience!”

Kit Hayward ’24 and Isabella Montano ’24 living their best life at Lake Arrowhead to beat the intense heat wave. (Photo Provided by Kristen Hayward)


Lastly, Isabella Corte ’24 shared how she spent her weekend with Sophia Baaklini ’24: “I went to a K-Pop convention with Sophia which was really cool. After that, we went to the mall, ate really good pizza, and got boba which was amazing. It was so much fun!”

Isabella Corte ’24 and Sophia Baaklini ’24 feeding their love of BTS at a K-Pop convention. (Photo Provided by Isabella Corte)


These Royals definitely decided to make the most out of their threeday weekend. Since free time is limited, you have to take advantage of any time off you get!